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COVID-19 Update

Dear Neighbor,

In order to support your families being able to take a deep breath, turn away from constant news updates, and create a new temporary normal, my office will continue posting a near-daily update on the COVID-19 public health emergency to our website and on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

It is my hope that one reliable update each day will allow you to take a deep breath, oversee all that is happening in your own life and home, and have a reliable source of news you can count on to be up to date and accurate. As always, previous updates are on our website and linked beneath the graphic below. 

My greatest concerns right now are your lives and livelihoods. We are working hard to keep you and your loved ones safe, and to fight for our small businesses in an unprecedented crisis. 

In solidarity,

Rep. Robyn Vining

COVID-19 Update 6-19.png

 Past email updates can be found HERE 

COVID-19 Community Testing

Bader Philanthropies COVID Testing 6-24.jpgShalem Healing will be hosting FREE walk-up and drive-up COVID-19 nasal (nasopharyngeal) & blood testing Wednesday, June 24th from 4-6 p.m. in the Bader Philanthropies, Inc. parking lot located at 3300 N. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive. 

To find other testing sites, visit the DHS website HERE. Milwaukee County and Waukesha County have several testing sites. 

 Department of Health Services Updates 

For daily updated information on COVID-19 in Wisconsin, visit the DHS website HERE

Updates on the Badger Bounce Back plan gating criteria can be found HERE.  

DHS COVID-19 Update 6-19-2020.png



24,154 confirmed cases (increase of 278*)

2.5% of total tests are positive (for 6/19)

3,177 hospitalizations (13% of cases- increase of 17)

18,486 recovered cases (77% of all cases)

444,751 negative test results (increase of 10,838)

730 devastating deaths (increase of 11)

14th District Counties

Milwaukee - 10,049 confirmed cases
Waukesha - 972 confirmed cases

*Changes over yesterday


Forward together,

Rep. Robyn Vining


Contact Us: 

State Capitol
P.O. Box 8953
Madison, WI 53708 

PH: (608) 266-9180
TF: (888) 534-0014

Email: Rep.Vining@legis.wi.gov 
Web: www.vining.assembly.wi.gov 

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