Welcome to my online office! I am honored and humbled to be your representative in Madison; I will do all that I can to serve your interests. My top priority is to respond to the needs and concerns of my constituents. In order to maintain close contact with my district, I meet with all town, city, and village boards, and county officials on a regular basis. I actively seek the opinions of the people in the district by regularly attending local events and meetings with community service organizations and Senior Citizen groups.
This website will provide you access to information regarding my activities and work in Madison. I hope that you find it useful to learn more about current legislative issues, bills that I have authored and my committee work. In addition to this website, I also send an e-newsletter with updates on legislative activities. If you would like to receive this information, please follow the link on the navigation pane.
Please feel free to contact my office at anytime with your questions or comments; my staff and I are always available to help and serve you.