20190306 VINING Email Banner.jpg

Weekly E-Update

Dear Neighbor,

Welcome to my latest e-update. Here is a summary from the past week as your State Representative. 

As always, previous updates are available on our website and social media. 

Please contact my office with any questions or concerns.

Forward together,

Robyn Vining    

Universal Changing Stations Bill

I’m honored Senator Melissa Agard has partnered with me this year to reintroduce  the Universal Changing Stations bill, making Wisconsin safer and more accessible for everyBODY. Also co-authoring with us, Representatives Anderson and Brostoff, and Senator Smith. Together we released our bill for co-sponsorship today, so contact your local Reps and Senators to co-sponsor. 

Our joint press release HERE. Read the bill HERE

Governor Evers’ Investments in Violence Prevention & Support for Crime Victims

On Wednesday, Governor Tony Evers announced a $45 million investment in violence prevention and support for crime victims. Under the plan, $25 million will go towards violence prevention efforts and $20 million to support victim services in Wisconsin. 

I advocated for violence prevention funding to be included in the biennial state budget, and am glad to see Governor Evers’ commitment to supporting violence prevention efforts and providing support for crime victims in Wisconsin. We know that violence prevention and interruption efforts save lives and reduce trauma in our communities. Investments in violence prevention also save taxpayers money in the long run.

It is important to understand the psychology and the ripple effects of those exposed to violence. Violent incidents produce trauma that is critical to acknowledge and to address. We need to
ensure access to trauma support, and I am glad to see this investment in crime victims support. The violence doesn’t disappear when incidents conclude.

Read my full statement applauding these investments in violence prevention and support for crime victims HERE

Wisconsin Birth Equity Act

On Tuesday, State Senator LaTonya Johnson and State Representative Shelia Stubbs introduced the Wisconsin Birth Equity Act, a package of six bills to help improve maternal and infant health outcomes in Wisconsin, especially for Black and Indigenous women and babies. 

I am proud to co-sponsor these critical pieces of legislation. We must take action to help eliminate racial health disparities in Wisconsin, and ensure mothers and babies have access to the care they need and deserve. 

More information on the Wisconsin Birth Equity Act HERE

DHS Announces Multiple Funding Opportunities to Address COVID-19 Health Disparities

On Wednesday, the Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) announced funds will be made available to promote racial and geographic equity in the COVID-19 response. 

DHS was awarded $27 million by the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to combat inequities related to COVID-19 infection, illness, and death, including $9 million dedicated to rural communities. In a separate appropriation, an additional $13 million in funding has been set aside to continue the Vaccine Community Outreach grant program, which funds organizations across Wisconsin to increase vaccinations by serving as trusted messengers within their communities, build vaccine confidence, and reduce barriers that hinder vaccine access for marginalized or underserved populations.

Read the full announcement HERE

Monday was National Coming Out Day

Monday was National Coming Out Day - a day of recognition and support for LGBTQ+ individuals, and a day to raise awareness for the ongoing fight for equal rights and acceptance. To our LGBTQ+ friends, neighbors, and loved ones: you belong, and you are loved.

COVID-19 Vaccine Update

As of October 14th, 6,440,421 COVID-19 vaccines have been administered in Wisconsin and 57.3% of Wisconsin residents have received at least one dose, with 54.5% fully vaccinated. 

If you have not yet been vaccinated, now is a critical time to get your vaccine. The vaccine protects individuals and communities from getting seriously ill or dying of COVID-19, including the variants. Currently, Wisconsin is seeing a rise in cases as the Delta variant spreads among the unvaccinated. The Delta variant spreads more easily and can cause more severe illness. Find more information of COVID-19 variants HERE.

En español, AQUI¿Tiene preguntas sobre la vacuna contra el COVID-19? Llame al 844-684-1064 (llamada gratuita)

For more information about where you can get a vaccine, visit the DHS website HERE.

For more information about where to get vaccinated in Waukesha County, visit their website HERE.

For more information about where to get vaccinated in the city of Wauwatosa, visit their website HERE.

For more information about where to get vaccinated in the city of Milwaukee, visit their website HERE. En español AQUI

COVID-19 Case Update

For daily updated information on COVID-19 in Wisconsin, visit the DHS website HERE.

14th District Counties

Milwaukee -  134,359 confirmed cases (as of 10/14)
Waukesha - 54,067 confirmed cases (as of 10/14)

*Changes over day prior


Forward together,

Rep. Robyn Vining


Contact Us: 

State Capitol
P.O. Box 8953
Madison, WI 53708 

PH: (608) 266-9180
TF: (888) 534-0014

Email: Rep.Vining@legis.wi.gov 
Web: www.vining.assembly.wi.gov 

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