February 19, 2015

Dear Friends and Neighbors,


February is flying by and the Capitol has been busy with constituent legislative visits and budget buzz. This e-update highlights the proposed cuts to SeniorCare, new BadgerCare savings estimates, agency updates and a new business of the week!


I hope you find this information helpful, and don't forget to get out and enjoy all of the fun upcoming events in western Wisconsin!



Jennifer K. Shilling
State Senator | 32nd District



Proposed cut to SeniorCare

Wisconsin workers would have additional retirement saving options under a new plan being put forward by state Democrats as part of their Wisconsin Families First agenda. The legislation is being introduced by Sen. Dave Hansen (D-Green Bay) and Rep. Eric Genrich (D-Green Bay) and will create a secure retirement fund for private sector workers similar to the Wisconsin Retirement System.

Everyone in Wisconsin who works hard their entire life should have the opportunity to retire knowing their family will be financially secure. As a co-sponsor of this proposal, I think we need to look at creating new opportunities that expand retirement options and allow more Wisconsin workers to save for their future.

While we continue looking for ways to expand financial security for retirees in Wisconsin, many seniors have also raised concerns about Gov. Walker’s proposed $15 million cut to SeniorCare. SeniorCare provides reliable access to affordable prescription medication for approximately 85,000 Wisconsin residents aged 65 or older. Unlike Medicare Part D, SeniorCare has a simple enrollment process, a low enrollment fee, income-based deductibles and co-payments of just $5 for generic medications.

Gov. Walker’s proposal to kick people off of SeniorCare and force them into the more expensive and complicated Medicare Part D plan doesn’t make sense for Wisconsin seniors or taxpayers. By negotiating lower prices with pharmaceutical companies, our state has been able to save taxpayers money and provide seniors with affordable access to the prescription drugs they depend on. Rather than catering to powerful drug companies, we should continue to support Wisconsin seniors and expand access to quality health care services.


Click here and sign our petition to Save SeniorCare


Cost savings grow for Democratic plan to strengthen BadgerCare

The projected budget savings for a Democratic plan to strengthen Wisconsin’s BadgerCare program increased significantly this week. Updated estimates from Wisconsin’s non-partisan budget office show that state taxpayers could save $345 million in the 2015-17 state budget, $30 million more than initially projected, if Gov. Walker and Legislative Republicans accepted federal Medicaid funding.

Gov. Walker’s presidential posturing is needlessly costing Wisconsin taxpayers millions at a time when families are struggling and our economy is stagnant. As Gov. Walker travels the country trying to make a national name for himself, I hope that Legislative Republicans will join Democrats in doing what’s right for Wisconsin families by expanding access to affordable health care. Instead of rejecting a sensible, cost-effective plan because of petty partisan politics, we should work together to strengthen BadgerCare, save taxpayers money and give families the freedom to live healthy and productive lives.

By fully expanding BadgerCare as allowed by the federal Affordable Care Act, Wisconsin taxpayers could save $345 million over the next two years. This funding could be used to strengthen local schools, shore up the state’s transportation fund deficit, protect access to Wisconsin’s popular SeniorCare program and invest in economic development initiatives.

While our neighboring states are recovering and experiencing strong job growth, Wisconsin families continue to struggle as a result of a lagging economy, stagnant family wages and a budget that’s in the worst shape of any state in the nation. It is time we put the needs of Wisconsin families first and make the fiscally responsible decision to strengthen BadgerCare.

Over half of all states have expanded Medicaid coverage including a number of states with Republican governors such as Iowa, Ohio, Michigan and Arizona.

Broadband Expansion Grant Bill



Thanks to Representative Jill Billings (D-La Crosse) for authoring the Broadband Expansion Grant Bill. I'm proud to co-sponsor this commonsense, forward-looking proposal to encourage local infrastructure investments. As we look for cost-effective ways to create jobs and grow our economy, investing in a 21st century broadband network will provide the opportunities that our small businesses and communities need across Wisconsin.


You can read the full article in the La Crosse Tribune here

Around the District

I always look forward to the annual Ferryville Sweetheart Pancake Breakfast. Thanks to the Ferryville Vision and Promotion crew for the delicious breakfast!


Gov. Walker resorts to costly “Scoop and Toss” borrowing scheme

A new memo to legislators from the state’s non-partisan budget office this week revealed that Gov. Walker has resorted to a costly and financially irresponsible accounting scheme known as “scoop and toss” borrowing in order to partially address the looming budget crisis. His borrowing scheme delays $108 million in state debt payments and increases the amount of interest state taxpayers will be forced to pay on current borrowing.

Rather than paying the state’s bills, Gov. Walker is once again resorting to risky and financially irresponsible borrowing schemes. This latest accounting gimmick kicks the can further down the road and will end up costing taxpayers millions more. At a time when other states are enjoying strong job creation and economic growth, we see that Gov. Walker is once again mortgaging Wisconsin’s future to fuel his presidential ambitions.

Gov. Walker’s “scoop and toss” scheme will cost Wisconsin taxpayers over $19 million in the 2015-17 budget. As a result, less funding will be available for local schools, transportation projects, economic development programs and health care services such as SeniorCare.

Click here to say NO to the Walker Budget

Local Business of the Week!

I always enjoy visiting locally owned businesses throughout the 32nd Senate District and will be highlighting a different local business in each e-update. This week's featured business is Grand Bluff Running!

Grand Bluff Running is owned and run by UW-La Crosse Alum Tyler Heinz with the simple focus to create a community revolving around the sport of running. Grand Bluff Running offers specific running products and knowledgeable staff to help you find the perfect shoe for running or walking. 

Make sure you stop at Grand Bluff Running the next time you are in downtown La Crosse!

Wisconsin Agency Updates

News from the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources:

Annual bird conservation meeting will focus on supporting private landowners
Interested landowners can join experts from around the state to learn more about how they can help birds in their own backyards. - Read Full Article

DNR historical photos available online
Gypsy Rose Lee holding a musky. General Dwight D. Eisenhower fishing. Aldo Leopold addressing the Wisconsin Conservation Congress. Gov. Warren Knowles coyote hunting. Boston Red Sox baseball star Ted Williams handling a tame deer. - Read Full Article

Awards presented for efforts to promote urban forestry in Wisconsin
The efforts of individuals, organizations and communities to ensure there are healthy, thriving trees in urban areas that can make a community unique and special were recently recognized by the Wisconsin Urban Forestry Council. - Read Full Article

DNR spring wildlife and fisheries rules hearing questionnaire available online
The complete questionnaire for proposed changes to Wisconsin fish and wildlife rules that will be reviewed at the 2015 Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources spring rules hearings is now available online. - Read Full Article

News from the Wisconsin Dept. of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection:

Wisconsin Consumer Complaints on the Rise in 2014
Scammers and thieves stepped up their efforts to steal your money or identity in 2014 based on the double digit increase in complaints received at the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP). Overall, complaints filed by Wisconsin consumers were up more than 10% in 2014 compared to last year, and four out of the top 5 categories of consumer complaints all saw substantial increases. -Read Full Article

News from the Wisconsin Department of Revenue:

The Department of Revenue offers online tools to help answer any tax questions you may have. You can check out their website here.


Recently Introduced Legislation

If you are interested in legislation that is being introduced, the Wisconsin Legislative website posts bills as they are being introduced in the Senate and Assembly. Check it out and stay informed!  

Calendar of Events





Cross Country Ski Workshop

La Farge


An Evening with Abraham Lincoln



Ice Cave Hike Series

La Farge

2/27-2/28 Bald Eagle Appreciation Days Prairie du Chien
3/7 Creative Communities Art Demonstration and Sale La Farge
3/14 Shamrock Shuffle Prairie du Chien


I apologize if any upcoming events in the area were left off. If you would like me to include an event in future e-updates, please email me the date, location and a website with details.

Senator Jennifer Shilling
P.O. Box 7882 - Madison, WI 53707

phone: 608.266.5490   

email: sen.shilling@legis.wi.gov


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