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I am extremely proud to represent the people of Western Dane County in the 79th Assembly District. The views and opinions of my constituents are of utmost concern to me and constantly shape the tough decisions I must make on your behalf. Subscribe to my e-updates to stay informed on my work in the Legislature.

"“Certainly I don’t think it’s a Robin Hood idea where we’re going to take from the rich and give it to the poor, but right now it’s the opposite, where they’re taking from the poor and middle class and giving it to the rich. And that has to stop,” Hesselbein said."

Before the November election, Trump’s claim that the electoral process was rigged became a campaign rallying cry. Wisconsin Democrats are also saying the system is rigged — but they’re referring
host.madison.com|By Lisa Speckhard

I was interviewed this week by Mike Gousha on WISN. Here's the link:

Assembly Assistant Minority Leader Dianne Hesselbein, D-Middleton, discusses how smaller Democratic caucuses will work with Republican majorities in the new legislative session.

January 3, 2017

CONTACT: 608-266-5340


Representative Hesselbein Announces Committee Assignments for 2017-19 Legislative Session

Madison - Today, Representative Dianne Hesselbein (D-Middleton) announced that she will serve on five standing committees when the Wisconsin State Legislature kicks off the 2017-19 legislative session. Rep. Hesselbein will continue to serve as the ranking Democrat on the Assembly Committee on Veterans Affairs. First elected in 2012, Rep. Hesselbein will be sworn in for her third term in the Wisconsin State Assembly. Below is a full list of the committee assignments for Rep. Hesselbein, as decided by Assembly Minority Leader Peter Barca:

Assembly Committee on Veterans and Military Affairs (Ranking Democrat)
Assembly Committee on Natural Resources and Sporting Heritage
Assembly Committee on State Affairs and Government Operations
Joint Committee on Legislative Council
Assembly Committee on Assembly Organization

Rep. Hesselbein released the following statement after learning of her committee assignments for the upcoming legislative session:

"I want to thank Assembly Democratic Leader Peter Barca for appointing me to these important standing committees for the upcoming legislative session. These committee assignments will allow me to continue to be a leading voice for our state's military veterans, while also being able to work on legislative issues important to the taxpayers of the 79th Assembly District.

"With the legislature set to come back into session, I am looking forward to working on these committees. Thorough committee work is incredibly important to the legislative process and there is no doubt I will have the opportunity to work on several important pieces of legislation as a result of these committee assignments. Whether it be standing up for our state's veterans, protecting access to our unrivaled natural landscapes, or ensuring our government works in an open and transparent manner on behalf of the taxpayers of this state, there is much work to be done in the legislature. I hope the vigorous work ethic I will bring to these committees will be matched by my legislative colleagues on both sides of the aisle as we work to move Wisconsin forward.

"Again, I want to thank Assembly Democratic Leader Peter Barca for appointing me to these important standing committees in the Wisconsin State Assembly. It is an honor to serve in the State Assembly on behalf of my constituents.”

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Denise Delwiche Stromme
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Here are a few pictures from yesterday's inauguration ceremony. I was thrilled that Bob, and the kids could be there!

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Congratulations Representative Fields!

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Congratulations Representative Anderson!

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Congratulations Representative Crawley!

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Denise Delwiche Stromme
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Just a little district present for Rep. Rob Brooks who is the Assistant Majority Leader.

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I was pleased to be on the Speaker's task force on Alzheimer's and Dementia. It was great to learn from Clark Street Community school students in Middleton about how they are studying the brain. What a great bipartisan effort, and glad so many colleagues were there.

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Denise Delwiche Stromme
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Tomorrow is inauguration day! I'll have treats, and would love to see you sometime between 11:45-12:45. I'll be updating here throughout the day!

Denise Delwiche Stromme
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Denise Delwiche Stromme
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What are your thoughts?

Tolling Wisconsin’s U.S. interstates could raise billions for the state’s most-traveled thoroughfares, but the cost would be borne by motorists, big upfront investments…
host.madison.com|By Mark Sommerhauser | Wisconsin State Journal
David Dean NO. Taxes on travel and gas are very regressive. Why set up another collection points and system when we already have tax tax and registration. And those who need to travel for work pay the most. Tax passenger cars on the cost of the car, business on mileage and cost or maximum weight.
Alice J. Fischer No, I don't want to see this raided as well. That was what the gas tax was for.
Denise Delwiche Stromme
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Well, it's official! I'm honored to work with and for Assembly Democrats next session.

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I talked with Secretary Gottlieb about shared revenue for roads in the 79th Assembly District. He was always responsive. I'll miss his honest assessment about transportation funding.

Gov. Scott Walker's transportation secretary has decided to quit ahead of what is expected to be a bruising budget fight with state lawmakers over road…
host.madison.com|By TODD RICHMOND Associated Press

A special thank you to my friend Gayla for her beautiful wreath. Jensen trees is beautiful this season.

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Denise Delwiche Stromme
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I didn't have time to make fudge this season. Luckily, the Mousehouse doesn't disappoint. Yum!

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Denise Delwiche Stromme
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I love shopping at Windsor Breads. Thank you Anthony and Peter for your help!

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The tree in the Capitol is gorgeous this year. I hope you can stop by and admire it.

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It was great to meet Robert the owner of Blowin' Smoke in Waunakee last weekend. What delicious barbecue!

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Joel Gratz His cart has been on the square fir a few years and is probably the best one there!
Susan Dopp He catered our wedding party.
Denise Delwiche Stromme
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Denise Delwiche Stromme
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"Seriously kids, listen to the tour guides. They are very smart!"

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Rep. Dianne Hesselbein (D-Middleton), issued the following statement on the decision of the U.S. Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals finding Wisconsin's current Assembly electoral map to have been "deliberately gerrymandered," skewed to favor the interest of one political party.

"This decision by the federal court is a victory for all Wisconsin citizens, no matter which party they favor. If it prevails and a new electoral... map is drawn to fairly reflect voter distribution, confidence in our democracy can be restored. The court decision is also a win for our long tradition of open government, which was abused by the closed-door, secret-oath proceedings that produced the skewed map.”

"Special thanks are owed to emeritus UW Law School professor William Whitford of Madison and his co-plaintiffs, all citizen Democrats who brought this lawsuit to benefit the public interest."

Rep. Hesselbein was re-elected to a third term as the representative of Assembly District 79 on Nov. 8, and will serve as Assistant Minority Leader in the legislative session that begins Jan. 5.

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Bob Green Congratulations Dianne!
Denise Delwiche Stromme
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This is the official page for Wisconsin State Representative Dianne Hesselbein proudly serving the 79th Assembly District
Bob Hesselbein and 25 other friends like this
Visitor Posts
  • Heard you on the radio over lunch hour. Thank you for always being s...o positive. It is hard for many of us to see progress with so much regression happening around us. I appreciate your efforts in making the small changes that can help people. See More
  • What would it take to get the legislature to call for a feasibility ...study to determine the cost and organizational efficiencies that would be gained by moving the WDVA under the DMA as a subordinate agency, reestablishing the Board of Veterans Affairs as the governing and oversight body, and replacing the secretary with an administrator who reports to the Board? This concept could reap huge fiscal rewards that could be refocused on tangible, meaningful and beneficial veterans benefits programs by eliminating costly and capital-intense staffing overhead and administrative processes. It would also allow for further increases in services that can be entrusted to be administered by the CVSOs as the county agencies; which they have always been intended to function as in supporting veterans at the local, accessible and accountable level of government. Here's a slideshow on the Michigan Department of Military and Veterans Affairs. See More
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