October 22, 2015

Assembly GOP End Probes Of Political Crimes, Break Up GAB,
Lift Campaign Contribution Limits

This week in the Wisconsin State Assembly, the GOP passed three bills that would undermine the integrity of our elections.

1. Eliminate the primary tool prosecutors use (John Doe investigations) to prosecute political corruption.

2. Break up the Government Accountability Board (GAB), which regulates elected officials and their campaigns.

3. Allow unlimited, undisclosed corporate contributions to Wisconsin campaign committees and allow state legislators to collude with dark money groups.

Citing a clear conflict of interest, Assembly Democrats recused themselves from voting on the final bill since legislators will acquire a substantial financial benefit from the changes made by the Republicans.

I believe spending our time on protecting politicians instead of addressing the concerns of hard working families in Wisconsin is precisely why so many people are disgusted with politics.

This week is a new low in my tenure in the Assembly.

As always, please feel free to contact me if you have questions about this or other issues. You may reach me toll-free at (888) 534-0066 or via email at Rep.Mason@legis.wi.gov.

Cory Mason
State Representative
66th Assembly District



State Representative Cory Mason

PO Box 8953, Madison, WI 53708

Email: Rep.Mason@legis.wi.gov

(888) 534-0066


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