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Implements of Husbandry Outreach

Constituents, please see the following information regarding several public meetings happening in the next few weeks. If you have any thoughts or concerns about how Wisconsin views Implements of Husbandry, these meetings would be a great way to share them. Please let me know if I can be of any assistance or if you have any questions.



Agricultural equipment has grown in complexity and size over the years and, as is often the case, regulation has not kept up with industry changes.


Recently the increased size and weight of agricultural equipment came under a spotlight after incidents involving overweight equipment resulted in citations and court cases.  Local authorities who are in charge of maintaining the roads and bridges asked for help balancing the needs of all road users.


In response, in October 2012, the Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) and the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP), convened the Implements of Husbandry (IoH) Study Group, involving over 20 stakeholders representing transportation and farm organizations, equipment manufacturers, law enforcement, local officials and the University of Wisconsin-Madison/Extension. The group was committed to finding a balanced solution based on science and the needs of the agricultural community.


The recommendations from the group include:

  • Establishing a clear, simple definition of implements of husbandry

  • Creating IoH size limits to avoid damaging roads and structures to ensure safe roads for all users

  • Allowing IoH to operate 15% over weight limits, except where posted and during spring thaw

  • Providing a mechanism for local written authorization to operate above these proposed limits

  • Encouraging the development of best practices and emerging technologies, especially in manure management, to reduce wear on roadways and structures


The IoH Study Group is seeking feedback from the agricultural community and others through a series of Town Hall meetings. All of the meetings, co-hosted by the University of Wisconsin Extension, will take place from 7 to 8:30 p.m. on the dates and locations listed below:

  • August 19 – UW Extension Office, 5201 Fen Oak Drive, Madison

  • August 20 – Country Aire Banquet Hall, F1312 County Road P, Stratford

  • August 28 – Cashton Community Hall, 8111 Main Street, Cashton

  • August 29 – WisDOT Northeast Region Office, 1940 West Mason Street, Green Bay

  • September 3 – Chippewa County Courthouse Large Assembly Room, 711 North Bridge Street, Chippewa Falls


As in the past I would continue to encourage you to contact my office with ideas for this next legislative session and on individual pieces of legislation. Now more than ever your ideas and opinions need to be heard, so we can begin to get Wisconsin back to work. Please contact my office at 608-266-3404 or email me at, or stop by my Capitol office at 223 North.  I look forward to hearing from you. As always, I will continue to work across the aisle to find common ground and move legislation forward.


Please share this update with your friends and neighbors within the 42nd Assembly District and if there is anyone you know who would like to be included, please respond to this email with their email address.


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