May 29, 2015

Volume 1 Issue 6

State Representative Janel Brandtjen

Governor Walker is right, repeal prevailing wage:

Governor Walker said he would be, “pleased ‘ with a repeal of Wisconsin’s prevailing wage law, so would I.

 What’s the best way to have a vibrant and growing economy?  A good start would be to cut the fat out of government.  Repealing prevailing wage will save money for the state, counties, villages, towns and schools.  All levels of government would save money by repealing prevailing wage.   

 Mandatory wages and benefits interfere with supply and demand.  It raises the cost of construction.  It encourages more costly and less efficient government.  Wisconsin’s leaders have an obligation to be good stewards of the taxpayer’s money.  Repealing prevailing wage will be a step towards that.   

 The principle behind repealing this law is simple; Let the free market decide the price of labor for government projects, just as it does for private sector ventures.    

As Wisconsin works to make the state more business friendly, repealing prevailing wage would solve two problems.  First, more construction companies would be encouraged to competitively bid for government projects because the current red tape nightmare of reporting and monitoring thousands of different wage classifications would be reduced.

 And second, having multiple bidders on taxpayer-funded projects means citizen’s get the benefits of a competitive market.

 Now is the time to repeal the prevailing wage laws. If eliminated, Wisconsin’s infrastructure needs, along with a free market construction process, will keep taxes in check for citizens and businesses. That will ultimately attract more companies and jobs to our great state for many years to come.

 Join Governor Walker, myself and Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, New Hampshire, Mississippi, North  & South Dakota, Alabama, Oklahoma, Utah, Arizona, Florida, Georgia, North & South Carolina, Virginia, Colorado, and Indiana – repeal prevailing wage.

NOTE: Representative Brandtjen is a Co-author of AB 32 a bill that would repeal prevailing wage.

  God Bless Wisconsin! 

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