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The Office of the Senate Chief Clerk

Senate Chief Clerk & Director of Operations

Linsay Hale

Linsay Hale is the Chief Clerk and Director of Operations of the Wisconsin Senate, a nonpartisan officer elected by the full Senate every two years. In this role, Linsay serves the Senate as its Parliamentarian and Chief Operating Officer. In addition to her ceremonial duties outlined in the Senate Rules, she directs and administers the accounting, budget and finance, facilities, personnel, purchasing, supply management, general business, and other operational functions of the Senate. She is the official custodian of records and papers of the Senate and directs the production of the Senate Journal of Proceedings and several other publications. Linsay serves as the executive officer and legal counsel for the Senate’s management committee, the Committee on Senate Organization. She also oversees the Office of the Senate Sergeant at Arms.



The office of the Senate Chief Clerk and Director of Operations provides non-partisan advice and support to the Wisconsin State Senate and Senate Leadership on diverse matters, including:

  • Parliamentary Procedure and processing of legislation
  • Legal and ethical issues affecting Senators and the Senate
  • Senate Business and Finances
  • Facilities management & Event Planning
  • Open Records Requests
  • Senate Records and Journals
  • Graphics, Senate printing, & web design
  • Citation & Flag requests



The office of the Senate Chief Clerk oversees various internal Senate offices, each providing specific services and duties; these internal offices include:

  • Senate Sergeant-at-Arms
  • Scholars & Civic Education
  • Senate Photographers
  • Senate Mailroom
  • Telecommunications – Wisconsin Eye

It is a core mission of the office to enhance and support the Senate, and the Legislature as a whole, so they may better serve the people of Wisconsin.