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Welcome to Senator Smith's Legislative Website


Dear Neighbor,

Thank you for taking the time to visit my website. I am honored to represent you in the Wisconsin State Senate. I care deeply about our great state and am committed to strengthening our state for future generations.

I’m passionate about a number of issues, including broadband expansion, environmental conservation, non-partisan redistricting reform, quality educational opportunities for our children and healthcare affordability for Wisconsin families. I appreciate hearing your stories and the issues you care about. I strive to ensure your voice is heard and that you feel comfortable sharing your thoughts, whether that’s during one of my roadside Stop & Talks, in a meeting or when you contact my office.

Thanks again for visiting my website. I serve you, the people of the Chippewa Valley – hearing your ideas is a great way to help your elected officials improve our state. Please do not hesitate getting in touch if you have any questions or if there is anything I can assist with.


Check Out My Office Resources

Whether it be calling my office with your concerns, sending an email about important issues or watching my "Checking in for the Chippewa Valley" videos, I encourage everyone to stay engaged in the legislative process. 



31st Senate District Map

For more information on legislative maps and an interactive district map, click here.

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