Know Your Healthcare Costs Act Introduced
May 5, 2023
MADISON, Wis. – Senators Mary Felzkowski (R-Tomahawk) and Julian Bradley (R-Franklin) joined Representative Rob Brooks (R-Saukville) on Wednesday morning to announce the Know Your Healthcare Costs Act.
Healthcare costs have skyrocketed in recent years as Wisconsin families struggle to make ends meet. A lack of transparent healthcare prices stifles competition and ultimately contributes to higher costs for Wisconsin families. This legislation requires healthcare providers to publicly disclose the standard charges for certain items and services provided by a hospital, which will give consumers the knowledge they need to make the most informed decision.
Sen. Mary Felzkowski stated: “Medical expenses are the #1 cause of bankruptcy for American families, and it doesn’t have to be that way. We can empower patients through price transparency in our healthcare system. 80% of healthcare goods and services are shoppable, which means that arming consumers with the costs of these services will enable them to make an informed choice about their care.”
“Giving consumers the information they need to lower healthcare costs is a common sense reform that will save Wisconsin families real money,” added Sen. Julian Bradley.
Rep. Rob Brooks said: “Modernizing healthcare, while simultaneously expanding access and affordability, has long been one of my legislative priorities. This bill will establish greater price transparency and provide vital information to consumers.
“Providing patients with more information in an easy-to-review format should be something we can all agree upon. I look forward to working with providers and insurance carriers to move us closer to this goal.”
Assembly co-author Rep. Donna Rozar (R-Marshfield) affirmed: “Having heard from my patients over the years about their concerns regarding the cost of hospitalizations and procedures, I felt compelled to introduce this bill with my colleagues. As a nurse, I believe in price transparency for patients. Transparency is important so patients can better understand their options when seeking medical care.”