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Building a Wisconsin for Everyone

"The road to progress is long and arduous, but we find resilience in our enduring values, our unyielding spirit, and our strength together. I am proud to be a strong progressive voice in the Wisconsin State Legislature, fighting to move Wisconsin forward and to help everyday hardworking Wisconsinites like you."

Support and Strengthen Our Communities 

Wisconsinites deserve to be safe and secure where they live, work, and play.

I am committed to:

  • Reducing gun violence and promoting responsible gun ownership
  • Supporting innovation and entrepreneurship
  • Funding our public schools fully
  • Prioritizing the affordability of post-secondary education
  • Ending the senseless prohibition of marijuana
  • Protecting our state’s natural resources & environment
Put Government Back to Work

Wisconsin works best when our government works for us.

Our government needs to:

  • Ensure free and fair elections
  • Be clean and transparent 
  • Be reflective of the will of the people
  • Establish a nonpartisan redistricting process
Build an Economy that Works for All of Us 

Wisconsinites who work hard and play by the rules must have a fighting chance.

Together, we will prioritize:

  • Lifting up working class families
  • Making a path towards affordable and quality healthcare
  • Investing in transportation solutions
  • Eliminating obstacles to affordable housing access
  • Providing families with well deserved tax relief
  • Advocating for equal pay for equal work
  • Championing for a $15 Minimum Wage
Remove Barriers and Promote Inclusivity

When we work together we can build a Wisconsin that works for the many, instead of the few.

I believe in:

  • Encouraging a diverse and inclusive state
  • Eliminating Wisconsin’s record as one our nation’s most segregated states
  • Recognizing and advocating for LGBTQ+ and non-binary individuals
  • Defending the rights of, and fighting for equity for, women, people of color, and marginalized populations