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Press Releases

Ballweg Celebrates Finance Committee Releasing Funds for Wisconsin's First-Ever "Opportunity Fund"


2024 Joan Ballweg Leadership Scholarship Recipients


Ten Ballweg Bills Signed


Ballweg's Bills Supporting the 14th Senate District Signed Into Law


Ballweg's Kinship Care Bill Signed


Ballweg Welcomes Senate Scholar Alyssa Durrant


Ballweg Bills Headed to Governor


Ballweg to Co-Chair National Children, Families and Human Services Committee


Column: Senator Ballweg, Representative Petersen, Representative Dallman and Representative Plumer Announce Tax Cuts


20th Annual Joan Ballweg Leadership Scholarship


Senator Ballweg's Year in Review


Column: Senate Successfully Overrides Vetoes


Senator Joan Ballweg's Postpartum Legislation Passes Wisconsin State Senate with Broad Bipartisan Support


Senator Ballweg Attends Annual Wisconsin State Building Commission Day at the Wisconsin State Fair


Ballweg Bill Signed into Law


Ballweg Statement on Governor Evers Signing the State Budget


Ballweg Statement on Senate Passage of the State Budget


Ballweg Statement on Joint Committee on Finance Action


Ballweg's Tourism Bill Signed into Law


Senator Ballweg Receives "Scales of Justice" Award


Column: April is Financial Literacy Month


Ballweg's First Bill of the Session Passes Senate


Senator Ballweg Announces Listening Sessions


Senator Ballweg Reacts to Biennial Budget Address


Senator Ballweg Reacts to State of the State Address


19th Annual Joan Ballweg Leadership Scholarship


Column: Senator Ballweg Begins Work in New Legislative Session


Ballweg Returns for 106th Wisconsin State Legislature