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Wisconsin's Agricultural Exports


Last E-Update until November


Memorial Day


Financial Literacy Month


Mental Health Month


Donate Life Month


Distracted Driving Awareness Month


Statewide of Tornado Drill


Safe Haven Awareness Week


Visiting Local Schools


The New 14th Senate District 


Legislative Session Wrap Up


Tax Cut Updates


Leap Day!


Future Farmers of America Week


Family Strengthening Month


Wisconsin's Agricultural Excellence


Heart Month


Senator Ballweg's Reaction to the State of the State


Legislative Republicans Announce Four Tax Cut Proposals Around the State


Maternal Health Awareness Day


Happy New Year!


Merry Christmas!


The Grand Opening of Wisconsin's Food and Farm Exploration Center


Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day


Healthy Families, Moms and Babies


Happy Thanksgiving


Crash Responder Week 


Veterans Day


Daylight Saving Time


Cybersecurity Awareness Month


Our Work to Reduce the Impact of Inflation


Wisconsin's Largest Tax Cut


Agricultural Tourism Week


Wisconsin's Workforce


Suicide Prevention


School Bus Safety


Labor Day


Back to School


Boating and Water Safety


Protecting Wisconsin's Waters


National Farmers Market Week


County Fairs


Task Force One


Shared Revenue Updates


Wisconsin State Budget


4th of July


It's Pollinator Week


Transportation and Education in the Wisconsin State Budget


Wisconsin's Thriving Tourism Industry


June is Dairy Month


Memorial Day


National Police Week


Budget Executive Sessions


Mental Health Month


National Library Week


Financial Literacy Month


Spring has Sprung in Wisconsin


Week of the Young Child


Joint Committee on Finance: Agency Briefings and Listening Sessions


National Agriculture Day


American Red Cross Month


Outstanding Wisconsin Agricultural Exports


Read Across America


Reaction to the Budget Address


Identity Theft Awareness


Agriculture in Wisconsin


American Heart Month


Reaction to State of the State


19th Annual Joan Ballweg Leadership Scholarship


National Milk Month


Beginning Another Legislative Session