

  • Welfare-to-Work

Welfare-to-Work Legislation Moves Forward

In 2015, work requirements were tied to our state’s welfare programs, since then more than 25,000 people have transitioned to the workforce. But Wisconsin still faces a worker shortage; a employment website has more than 90,000 available jobs posted in our state.

10 bills were introduced as part of a Welfare-to-Work package. It is important to note that welfare was never meant to be a way of life for able-bodied adults. These bills encourage accountability and prevent fraud and abuse. For example, Special Session Assembly Bill 3 takes into account assets for those who are applying for FoodShare, Wisconsin Works and WI Shares, so those who truly need the program are able to get it, rather than having our resources go to subsidizing those who own expensive property or have significant money in stocks. Or Special Session Assembly Bill 5, which creates a tax credit designed to incentive work for low income individuals – especially those with children and will help recipients get payments quicker. 

These bills are not aimed at making it more difficult to get public assistance, it’s about making it easier to get a job.

Let’s get Wisconsin working!