UW System Budget Requires Cultural Sensitivity Training for All

Nass:  Every employee and student will undergo cultural and conduct training.     

Senator Steve Nass (R-Whitewater), Vice-Chairman of the Senate Universities and Technical Colleges Committee, learned today that the UW System’s 2017-19 biennial budget proposal will request taxpayer funds to provide “cultural fluency education and conduct training” for every employee and student.  System officials claim that business leaders in the state demanded such training in order to achieve “culturally competent workers.”

“If only the taxpayers and tuition-paying families had a safe space that might protect them from wasteful UW System spending on political correctness.  I have never met a business person yet that alleges the people of Wisconsin are culturally incompetent employees.  However, it seems to be the standard opinion amongst UW System administrators that the people of Wisconsin are rednecks in need of cultural re-education,” Nass said. 

Nass noted the proposed system-wide cultural sensitivity training, known as the FLUENT Program, is one part of a budget proposal to improve the university experience for students at a cost of $6 million to taxpayers.  The UW System already spends millions on various diversity programs and staff.

“As the rest of society rejects the principles of forced political correctness, the UW System is doubling down by suggesting the families of this state have failed in raising their children; that they are culturally incompetent.  I hope my legislative colleagues will join me in rejecting this offensive priority of our system leadership,” Nass said.