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February 28, 2019

Governor Evers’ Extreme Budget Proposal

     Senator Steve Nass (R-Whitewater) issued the following statement regarding Governor Evers’ 2019-21 Biennial Budget proposal: 

“In my 27 years of public service, I have never heard a Governor announce so many extreme budget provisions even before giving the speech.  This is not a people’s budget as the Governor will spin tonight, it is a People’s Republic of Madison budget.
Governor Evers has clearly demonstrated that his administration is controlled by liberal zealots.  Evers’ budget is not about governing the state, instead it is the 2020 campaign manifesto of Wisconsin Democrats.”

 Nass cited the following extreme proposals from Governor Evers:

-Backdoor legalization of recreational marijuana in Wisconsin.

-Allowing illegal aliens to receive resident UW System tuition.

-Providing state issued driver’s licenses to illegal aliens.

-Restoring state funding to abortion provider Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin.

-Preventing 17-year olds that commit serious crimes from being charged in adult court.

-Proposals aimed at crippling the rights of parents to utilize school choice and charter schools.