UW System – JFC Omnibus Motion – Tuition Price Shock Coming in 2017

Senator Steve Nass (R-Whitewater), Vice-Chairman of the Senate Committee on Universities and Technical Colleges, issued the following statement in response to the Omnibus UW System motion introduced today in the Joint Finance Committee:

“While the Joint Finance Committee will maintain the resident tuition freeze for the next two years, the committee failed to protect middle class families with a tuition cap at CPI starting in 2017 to prevent a major price shock.  Today, the committee sent a greenlight to UW Administrators that the sky-is-the-limit on tuition in fall 2017.

We will take care of the billionaire owners of the Milwaukee Bucks, but the middle class families of Wisconsin are once again left to be gashed by the UW System in the near future,” Nass said.