Legislative Service Agencies


The six legislative service agencies’ nonpartisan staff provide professional services, including bill drafting, audits, analysis and research, technical support, and human resources services. Each of the nonpartisan service agencies has a specifically defined function; however, these agencies are available to assist any individual legislator. Although the legislative service agencies are established and managed separately, there are many points of contact among the agencies, both formal and informal. Many legislative issues require the involvement of staff from more than one agency, and the staff of legislative service agencies often collaborate. In addition, a contact with one agency may lead to a referral to another agency.







Joe Chrisman, State Auditor
22 East Mifflin St., Ste. 500
(608) 266-2818


Toll-Free Fraud, Waste and
Mismanagement Hotline:

1-877-FRAUD-17 or 1-877-372-8317



  • Performs audits of the accounts and records of state agencies and certain nonstate agencies and organizations to ensure that all financial and management transactions have been made in a legal and proper manner.
  • Reviews and evaluates the performance and program accomplishments of state agencies to determine whether the agencies have carried out the objectives of the Legislature and whether the programs are efficient, cost-effective, and not duplicative.
  • Investigates allegations of fraud, waste, or mismanagement reported to a toll-free hotline (1-877-FRAUD-17).
  • Conducts best practices reviews of governmental service delivery by counties and municipalities.
  • Submits audit reports to the Joint Legislative Audit Committee, which has advisory responsibilities for the Legislative Audit Bureau.




Anne Sappenfield, Director
One East Main St., STE 401
(608) 266-1304



  • Staffs the standing committees of the Legislature (other than the Joint Committee on Finance).
  • Prepares Amendment Memos that describe the changes made to a bill by amendments adopted by a standing committee or on the floor of either house of the Legislature.
  • Prepares Act Memos to describe enacted legislation.
  • Staffs study committees created by the Joint Legislative Council. Legislative Council staff create research documents and prepare implementing legislation related to such studies.
  • Prepares reports on all proposed administrative rules and assists standing committees in their oversight of the administrative rulemaking process.
  • Provides staff services to the Joint Committee on Legislative Organization and the Joint Committee on Employment Relations.
  • Responds to requests for information and legal and policy research from legislators, other legislative service agencies, legislative staff, and the public.




Robert Wm. Lang, Director
One East Main St., STE 301
(608) 266-3847



  • Staffs the Joint Committee on Finance.
  • Develops information on fiscal matters for the Legislature.
  • Analyzes state agency budget requests and suggests alternatives to the Joint Committee on Finance and the Legislature.
  • Responds to requests for fiscal information from individual legislators.
  • Prepares, upon request, independent estimates of the fiscal effect of legislative proposals.
  • Prepares independent estimates of state revenues and reviews, factors influencing the state’s financial affairs and activities.
  • Evaluates state agency programs.
  • Conducts in-depth studies on specific subjects or program areas as directed by the Joint Committee on Finance or the Legislature.




Amanda Jorgenson, Director
33 E Main St., STE 229
(608) 316-9700




  • Conducts human resources (HR) orientations for incoming legislators/employees.
  • Manages payroll & benefit administration (including processing monthly payrolls and coordinating new employee/yearly benefit open enrollment).
  • Processes (and answers questions related to) family and medical leave (FMLA) requests, military leave requests, and USERRA processing.
  • Processes and answers questions related to reasonable accommodation requests.
  • Processes and answers questions related to harassment, discrimination, retaliation, bullying formal complaints or informal concerns.
  • Receives and coordinates worker's compensation claims.
  • Oversees risk management compliance.
  • Aids offices with recruitment needs, such as creating and posting job announcements.
  • Aids offices with performance management and disciplinary needs.
  • Produces all required monthly, quarterly and annual reports.
  • Produces year-end individual tax information for employees.
  • Assists employees with HR questions/needs during all phases of employment.





Rick Champagne, Chief and General Counsel
One East Main St., STE 200
(608) 266-9930



  • Prepares the drafts of all legislative proposals; prepares an analysis for inclusion in bills and joint resolutions; and maintains drafting records.
  • Conducts legal, public policy, and historical research, and provides information about the Legislature and its proceedings.
  • Indexes, by subject and author, all legislation considered by the Legislature and publishes the Index volume of the Legislature’s Bulletin of Proceedings.
  • Researches topics relating to state government and issues studies and reports.
  • Maintains a reference library of public documents and the Legislature’s website.
  • Prepares and edits the Wisconsin Blue Book.
  • Publishes all acts, both at the time of enactment and as the compiled Laws of Wisconsin.
  • Responds to information requests relating to legislation and state government from legislators and staff, government agencies, the media, students, and the general public.
  • Edits and publishes the Wisconsin Statutes, the Wisconsin Administrative Register, and the Wisconsin Administrative Code.
  • Develops and distributes the Wisconsin Statutes, the Wisconsin Administrative Code, and other sources of Wisconsin law in electronic form.
  • Examines the statutes and session laws to identify provisions that have defects, anachronisms, conflicts, ambiguities, and unconstitutional or obsolete provisions. Prepares technical revision and corrections bills for introduction into the Legislature.




Jeff Ylvisaker, Director
1 S Pinckney St. Suite 615
6th Floor U.S. Bank Plaza

(608) 264-8582



  • Provides and coordinates information technology support and services to the Wisconsin Legislature.
  • Provides and supports office automation technology for legislative offices and service agencies, including Microsoft Office, custom website design & management software, and computer hardware. Provides technology support & training to legislative personnel.
  • Provides and supports specialized software for legislative offices, such as: constituent management software and email newsletters creation & management.
  • Creates and manages the Legislature’s public website, which publishes information about legislators, committees, legislation, statutes, admin code, and more.
  • Provides advanced mapping and GIS services, including legislative and congressional redistricting, custom and interactive map services including data visualizations suitable for the web or print.
  • Creates, enhances, and maintains specialized software for business processes unique to the Wisconsin Legislature, such as: legislative bill drafting, statute presentation, committee automation, session floor activity, and more.
  • Designs, creates, and manages information technology infrastructure to support the Wisconsin Legislature’s unique business needs & organizational structure, including: legislative-wide software systems such as email, database, and webservers; server infrastructure; networking infrastructure including wireless networks; VoIP phone system, cyber security, and more.
  • Purchases information technology, manages technology expense tracking & equipment inventory, performs in-depth business analysis, and more…