Dear friends, Throughout my four years in the Assembly and since first being elected to the State Senate, I have heard overwhelming support from my constituents to enact election reform NOW! Today, I am proud to say the State Senate finally did what our constituents asked us to do. Photo ID to Vote This morning, the State Senate passed a bill to require a photo ID to vote, along with other voting reforms. The bill, Assembly Bill 7, requires certain identification in order to vote at a polling place or obtain an absentee ballot. The ID voters must now present includes an unexpired driver’s license, or alternative identification that includes a date of birth, proof of residence, and a photograph. This legislation also changes the residency requirement for people registering to vote from 10 days, as is currently law, to 28 consecutive days. It also requires any person registering to vote to provide proof of his or her previous residence. Once registered, electors will be required to sign their names when voting in person. Eliminating Voter Fraud, Ensuring Faith in Election Results Each of these changes to the voting process will help eliminate voter fraud in our state and ensure confidence in election results. Since the legislative session began, I have actively worked to get this legislation in place. As a co-sponsor of the Senate version of voter photo ID legislation, I understand the necessity of protecting the integrity of each and every vote. Voter fraud, no matter how frequent, is preventable—and this legislation seeks to prevent the wrongs of past elections from reoccurring in the future. Participating in elections is undoubtedly the most important part of the democratic process. Ensuring only lawful votes are counted is essential not only to maintain people’s faith in elections, but also to maintain people’s faith in democracy. I appreciate all of the vocal support for photo ID legislation over the past several months and years. I am incredibly happy the Senate finally took action on this legislation today, and I look forward to Governor Scott Walker’s signing of the bill in the near future. Be sure to "Like" State Senator Rich Zipperer on Facebook. Also, if you no longer wish to receive Senator Zipperer's e-mail updates, please send an e-mail to sen.zipperer@legis.wi.gov with the world "UNSUBSCRIBE" in the subject line, along with your name and mailing address.