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Joint Legislative Council

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Special Committee on Reporting of Child Abuses and Child Neglect




May 29, 2013

Dear Friends and Neighbors -

The Joint Finance Committee continues to review Governor Walker's budget proposal, and this week's E-update will highlight some of the most recent provisions that were decided on in the JFC. It will also give some helpful tips for enjoying what Wisconsin has to offer in the summer months. Continue reading for more information on the happenings "under the dome" and, as always, please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions about the budget process, budget provisions, or any other state legislative issue.


Jennifer Shilling
State Senate, District 32


K-12 Funding
On May 21, my Democratic JFC colleagues and I announced a plan to restore nearly half of the $1.6 billion cuts to public education in the 2011-13 state budget. Our proposal includes a minimum increase of $275 per pupil, it eliminates all of Gov. Walker’s proposed expansion of taxpayer funding to private voucher schools, and it protects property taxpayers by using funding that would have gone for voucher expansion. The current governor’s budget proposal will freeze spending on public school students and increase funding to unaccountable private voucher schools by up to $1,414 per pupil.

“Expanding unaccountable private voucher schools into new communities will result in further cuts to public schools and higher property taxes for those residents,” Sen. Jennifer Shilling (D-La Crosse) said. “Public schools educate the overwhelming majority of children in our state. It’s time to start reinvesting in public school classrooms rather than spending tens of millions of taxpayer dollars to subsidize private voucher schools that serve just a small fraction of Wisconsin students.”
No-Bid Contracts
A proposal by Gov. Walker that would allow the sale of state properties without requiring a competitive bid process passed by JFC Republicans last week in a 12-4 party line vote. The non-partisan Legislative Fiscal Bureau stated that this budget amendment would permit the Department of Administration to sell or lease highways, power plants, correctional institutions, and UW system property such as dorms, academic buildings, and athletic facilities through no bid contracts. This proposal will be very harmful for taxpayers and students in our state. It will increase long-term costs to taxpayers as well as hurt UW campuses that form public-private partnerships. The only state property exempt from the no-bid contracts are properties funded with over 50% federal money and state parks and beaches.
Meeting the Dalai Lama
I had the great honor and pleasure of meeting His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama on his most recent visit to Madison.

In his speech to the legislature, the Dalai Lama spoke of the importance of compassion, tranquility, and altruism in relation to the strength of democracy and the ability to work with others - very timely advice as we continue to debate issues in this legislative session.
June is Dairy Month!
Family farms across the state will host Breakfast on the Farm events throughout the month of June in honor of Dairy Month in Wisconsin. The breakfasts are complete with entertainment, farm tours and great food! It is a great opportunity to meet people from around the district and support our local farms!

This year, there are breakfasts in all four counties in the 32nd Senate District and are lot of fun for the whole family!

Monroe County Dairy Breakfast – Elvin & Delvyn Martin Dairy Farms
4860 Garden Ave.
Sparta, WI 54656
Saturday, June 1, 2013
7:00 AM – 11:00 AM
Activities: viewing of an historic church, ice cream and butter making demonstrations, horse-drawn wagon rides, antique tractor display, children’s activities, and an educational tent.
Menu: ham and cheese omelets, pancakes, buttered toast, coffee cakes, cookies, Culver’s custard sundaes, cheese and cheese curds, milk and coffee.
Cost: adults - $4, children - $3

Vernon County Dairy Breakfast – Whispering Pines Dairy Farm
S8371A Bishop Rd.
Ferryville, WI 54628
Saturday, June 1, 2013
7:00 AM – 11:00 AM
Activities: Vernon County Diary Princesses Coronation 8:05am, Alice in Dairyland, and local entertainment from Tim and the Floppy Cowboys and The Grilled Cheese Experience.
Cost: adults - $5, children - $2

Crawford County Dairy Breakfast – Steger Farms
Irish Ridge Rd.
Prairie du Chien, WI 53821
Saturday, June 8, 2013
Menu: pancakes, sausage links, cheese and cheese curds, pudding, cottage cheese, milkshakes, Culver’s frozen custard, milk and coffee.
Cost: adults - $2, children - $1

La Crosse County Dairy Breakfast – Jodi & Ernie Hoffman Farm
W2951 Hoff Rd.
West Salem, WI 54669
Saturday, June 15, 2013
6:00 AM – 11:00 AM
Activities: hay rides, inflatables for kids, spin-to-win-wheel, petting zoo, educational booths, performances by “Leather and Lace,” and a dairy barn open house.
Cost: adults - $5, children (ages 6–12) - $3, children under 5 are free

Visit the Dairy Days of Summer website for more information about Dairy Breakfasts and other fun events across the state.
Boating Reminders
In the wake of the unofficial start of boating season over Memorial Day weekend, a recent report from the International Joint Commission has shown a stoppage in the transportation of new aquatic invasive species into the Great Lakes. The stoppages appear as a result of federal and state regulations that require ocean-bound ships to exchange their ballast water in open water. University of Wisconsin-Madison research has also proven that boats, not birds, are the main causes of the spread of invasive species to new waters.

Even though the flood of new aquatic invasive species has stopped for the time being, taking a few minutes to make sure your boat is clean before entering a new lake is the top way to prevent new invasive species from harming our lakes.

Here are some helpful tips to avoid transporting invasive species from the DNR:
• INSPECT your boat, trailer, and equipment.
• REMOVE any attached aquatic plants or animals (before launching, after loading, and before transporting on a public highway)
• DRAIN all water from boats, motors and all equipment
• NEVER MOVE live fish away from a body of water.
• DISPOSE of unwanted bait in the trash.
• BUY minnows from a Wisconsin bait dealer. Use leftover minnows on the same water, or you may use leftover minnows on other waters only if no lake, river water, or other fish were added to their container.

If you want more information about boating regulations or the flood of invasive species, feel free to contact Bob Wakeman (262-574-2149) or Christal Campbell (608-266-0061) at the DNR.
Wisconsin State Parks
One of Wisconsin's greatest assets is our state parks, and summer is the perfect opportunity to enjoy the many state parks and beaches that Wisconsin has to offer. Each park has its own amenities that usually include biking, hiking, and walk trails, bird watching, camping, and swimming. Some of the great parks in our district include Van Loon Wildlife Area in La Crosse County, Wildcat Mountain State Park in Vernon County, Kickapoo Wildlife Area in Crawford County, and Elroy-Sparta State Trail in Monroe County.

For a full list of state parks, or to find one close to you, visit the DNR website.

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