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 State Capitol
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 Madison, WI 53707

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March 6, 2013


Friends and Neighbors -

This week, despite the snowy weather, the Senate was in session and several committee meetings were held. This e-update focuses on a few of the smaller provisions in Governor Walker's budget proposal, and also provides a step-by-step walk through of the budget process. As we continue to learn more about Gov. Walker's budget proposal, I will continue to keep you informed and up to date on what is happening "under the dome." 


 Jennifer Shilling
 State Senate, District 32



2013-15 State Budget Proposals

Governor Walker's executive budget proposal is over 1,000 pages long, and while many high profile issues such as the voucher school expansion, changes in health care benefits, and transportation projects have received a lot of media attention, there are also many smaller provisions that I wanted to share with you.

Additional Funding for Frac Sand Inspectors
The Governor's budget would fund two new full-time Department of Natural Resources (DNR) employees who would help to process air quality permits and check compliance at frac sand mining and processing sites across the state.

In recent years, the DNR has struggled to keep up with the rapidly growing sand mining industry in Wisconsin. Many residents have raised concerns about the very small particles of airborne crystalline silica dust which is a known carcinogen that can cause severe respiratory and health complications. The two additional employee positions would help to protect public health and our natural resources by working with sand mining operators to monitor and enforce air quality standards.

If approved in the final version of the budget, the new positions will be filled by fall 2013.

Repeal of Limit on Foreign Ownership of Wisconsin Land
One of the proposals in Governor Walker's executive budget would repeal a 125 year old provision that prohibits foreign ownership of large areas of land in Wisconsin. Currently, Wisconsin law prevents foreign individuals or corporations from owning more than 640 acres in the state.

Concerns have been raised that repealing this limit would allow foreign corporations to buy up large tracts of valuable farmland, forests, and mineral deposits in order to drive up prices. This provision has already drawn criticism from several Republican and Democratic lawmakers, and it remains to be seen if this policy proposal will be removed during the budget process.


Budget Process

Governor Scott Walker introduced his 2013-15 Executive State Budget proposal to the legislature on February 20th.

The Legislature's Joint Finance Committee (JFC) officially introduced the budget as Assembly Bill 40 (AB40) and will begin holding a series of state agency briefings in March.

Public hearings on the Governor's proposed budget will likely be held by the JFC throughout the state in early April. These hearings will provide an opportunity for the public to express their opinions and concerns about provisions in the budget.

Upon conclusion of these hearings, the JFC will go through the budget in its entirety and make changes based on public feedback. These executive sessions represent the decision-making phase of the Committee's responsibilities.

The JFC's review of the Governor's recommended budget is -- because of both the complexity of the document and its significance on state government operations -- the most extensive and involved review process in a legislative session.

At the conclusion of the Committee's executive sessions, the JFC will pass along its recommendations to the full Legislature for consideration and approval. At this point, the Assembly and Senate may make additional changes to the JFC's recommendations.

After approval in the Assembly and Senate, the budget will move to Governor Walker's desk for final approval. This will probably occur by mid to late-June.

As a member of the Joint Finance Committee, I look forward to this opportunity to provide input and propose solutions on how to balance our budget while protecting working families and growing our economy.

For additional information on the 2013-15 Biennial Budget, you can visit the Legislative Fiscal Bureau website here.


From the Senate Floor...

Senate backs workforce training funding

On Tuesday, March 5th, the Senate unanimously approved Assembly Bill 14 which would allocate $15 million for workforce training grants. The bill had previously passed the Assembly and will now head to the Governor's desk for final approval. You may recall that $72 million in state funding was cut from our Technical College System in the 2011-12 legislative session. I was proud to support this bill which will help to restore some of those cuts and help to address our state's "skills gap."

Click here to see the full bill text on the Wisconsin State Legislature page.


Prairie du Chien Memorial Hospital Loan Award Ceremony


I joined elected officials and health care professionals at an award ceremony in Prairie du Chien on Friday, March 1st. Representatives from the USDA were present to announce the approval of a $32.4 million Rural Development Loan - the largest loan of its kind in Wisconsin's history - which will be used to construct a new, acute care medical facility at the Prairie du Chien Memorial Hospital.


It's Tax Time: Protect your Identity

Tax time is almost here again and the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP) has provided some examples of how to minimize your risk for identity theft.

During tax time, most of us are collecting the appropriate documents in an effort to complete returns. With personal information included on most documents, like W-2 (wages earned) and 1099 series documents (tax paid or earned), there is a need for more caution. Protecting your identity can be easier than you think.

Here are some helpful tips to keep in mind during tax time, which could help minimize your risk of identity theft:

Your Mailbox
Use a mailbox that locks or consider having your mail sent to a Post Office Box. Try to retrieve your mail daily. Uncollected mail is an invitation for identity thieves. Deposit your mail in an official mailbox preferably inside the Post Office.

Address Changes
If you have moved within the tax year, notify any payers of your new address. Do not rely solely on the Postal Service change of address process to notify everyone you may expect tax documents from.

Paper Security
Keep tax paperwork in a safe, locked location. When you must travel with them, place them out of sight like in the trunk of your car until you can deliver them safely to your tax preparer or to your home for safe storage.

Shred, Shred, Shred
Place papers you no longer need that contain personal information such as social security number, account numbers, etc through a crosscut shredder.

Your Computer
If you are using your computer to file or store your tax return, be sure it is protected. Make sure it is protected with up-to-date antivirus, firewall and spy-ware software to protect you from invasion. Be sure to update these security programs daily for greatest protection.

Click here to visit the DATCP website for more information


Electrical Outages and Winter Safety

Wisconsin utilities have a reputation for reliable power; however, when a major snowstorm hits, please be prepared in case localized outages occur. Below you will find information to report and track outages.

Remember, hazardous roads are not the only peril that accompany the worst of winter storms. Extremely cold temperatures often accompany these weather patterns. Many homes will be too cold - either due to a power failure or because the heating system isn't adequate for the weather. When people must use space heaters and fireplaces to stay warm, the risk of household fires increases, as well as the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning. If you plan to use a wood stove, fireplace, or space heater, be extremely careful.

Follow the manufacturer's instructions and remember these safety tips:

Use fireplaces, wood stoves, or other combustion heaters only if they are properly vented to the outside and do not leak fuel gas into the indoor air space

Do not burn paper in a fireplace

Do not place a space heater within three feet of anything that may catch on fire, such as drapes, furniture, or bedding, and never cover your space heater

Never place a space heater on top of furniture or near water

Store a multipurpose, dry-chemical fire extinguisher near the area to be heated

Protect yourself from carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning by installing a battery-operated CO detector and never using generators, grills, camp stoves, or similar devices indoors

If you are served by a municipal utility or an electric co-operative, you may find more information below:

Wisconsin Electric Co-Operatives Network:

Wisconsin Municipal Electric Utilities:


2013 Wisconsin Youth Art Month

Congratulations to all of the students from Western Wisconsin who have their artwork featured in the Capitol rotunda as part of the 2013 Wisconsin Youth Art Month! Thank you to all of the children and their teachers who helped to brighten up the Capitol with these wonderful paintings and drawings.

(In this photo: Artwork by Nina from Ms. Sikora's class at Logan Middle School, Jenna from Ms. Ulik's class at Logan Middle School, Erynn from Ms. Ashchenbrener's class at Central High School, Aaron from Ms. Ulik's class at Logan Middle School, and Mary from Ms. Bauer's class at Aquinas Middle School).

To view more of the artwork displayed in the Capitol from the 2013 Wisconsin Youth Art Month, click here to see my Facebook Page.


Highway Maps are available!

Email or call my office to request a new 2013 highway map at no charge.

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