May 14, 2015

Dear Friends and Neighbors,


I hope everyone had a wonderful Mother's Day this past weekend! This week's e-update highlights the worsening budget crisis, district happenings, the first edition of my new "Under the Dome" update, Wisconsin DNR news, and a new business of the week.


I hope you find this information helpful, and don't forget to get out and enjoy all of the fun upcoming events in western Wisconsin.



Jennifer K. Shilling
State Senator | 32nd District



Despite growing national economy, Wisconsin budget crisis looms

The Legislative Fiscal Bureau announced today that they are not projecting any additional budget revenue due to the disappointing economic outlook in Wisconsin. Given the robust national economic growth, Wisconsin was expected to exceed previous economic benchmarks.

By comparison, revised budget projections in Minnesota this year have boosted that state’s forecasted budget surplus by nearly $1 billion due to increased economic growth and strong family incomes. Minnesota is now projected to have a $2 billion budget surplus in their upcoming budget while Wisconsin struggles to address a self-inflicted $2.2 billion deficit

The disappointing numbers show that the Republican decisions to defund education, delay infrastructure investments and deny families access to affordable healthcare are holding our state back. By rejecting federal funding for Medicaid in order to advance Gov. Walker’s presidential ambitions, legislative Republicans are forcing more harmful cuts to our local schools, health care programs and communities.

Minnesota is seeing unbelievable revenue growth because they invested in their schools, raised family wages and expanded access to affordable healthcare. I know we can do better in Wisconsin if we work together and start investing in proven, pro-growth policies that will expand economic opportunities and strengthen our middle class.

News Coverage of Republican Budget Proposal

Bloomberg: Wisconsin’s Revenue May Make It Harder for Walker to Crow
Walker and allies who control the legislature would have been buoyed by a more robust forecast. That could’ve softened unpopular trims to primary and secondary education as well as the University of Wisconsin contained in the governor’s two-year budget proposal. -Read Full Article


Cap Times: Wisconsin budget committee rejects student loan refinancing proposal
Republicans on the Legislature's Joint Finance Committee shot down a Democratic proposal to allow for refinancing of student loans during the committee's Tuesday session. -Read Full Article


Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: No increase in revenue estimates forces tough budget decisions
State GOP lawmakers won't get any additional growth in tax money to help avoid Gov. Scott Walker's proposed education cuts so are instead looking at a one-shot injection of money to keep K-12 spending flat and their past tax cuts in place. -Read Full Article


Wisconsin State Journal: Access, other health centers could lose millions in Scott Walker budget
The budget would cut at least $25 million in Medicaid payments over two years to Access and most of the state’s 16 other community health centers to make them more efficient, said Stephanie Smiley, spokeswoman for the state Department of Health Services. -Read Full Article


Cap Times: Just restoring K-12 cuts doesn't make legislators heroes, Tony Evers says
Republicans in the Legislature have signaled their intent to restore all of the money slated to be cut from K-12 public education in Gov. Scott Walker's budget despite no additional revenue projected for the state coffers. But state Superintendent of Public Instruction Tony Evers has warned that even doing that will still require districts to make cuts to education. -Read Full Article

Cap Times: State's largest local business groups warn $300 million UW cut could hurt economy
The state’s two largest chambers of commerce Tuesday joined forces to warn that Gov. Scott Walker’s proposed $300 million cut to the University of Wisconsin System could hurt the economy. -Read Full Article

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Scott Walker drops job agencies' merger after critical audit of WEDC
Gov. Scott Walker on Friday abruptly dropped his proposed merger of the state's top two jobs agencies shortly after the release of an audit that found one of them had again failed to follow state law and its own policies in awarding taxpayer-funded incentives to state companies. -Read Full Article

Constituent Visits


Left Photo: Nigel Hayes and Josh Gasser from the Wisconsin Men's Basketball team made a visit to the Senate! The Senate passed a resolution honoring their historic season.  Right Photo: The Westby Syttende Mai Royalty made their annual visit to the State Capitol. Thank you to Olivia, Krista and Miriam for being outstanding representatives for the City of Westby, Wisconsin this past year.


Happenings in the District

WKBT: "La Farge Volunteer Fire Department President Lyle Dorschied is the national winner of the Liberty Mutual Firemark Award for Community Service. Dorschied was one of 150 applicants up for the award." -Read Full Article

Vernon County Broadcaster: "The Driftless Café has been selected as Best New Business in Viroqua by the Viroqua Chamber Main Street selection committee. This significant accomplishment is a testament to the hard work and sacrifice, commitment to excellence, and dedication to the Viroqua community that the Driftless Café owners, Luke and Ruthie Zahm and staff have demonstrated in the last year." -Read Full Article

Congratulations to Lyle Dorschied and Luke and Ruthie Zahm on these great achievements!

State Capitol Update – A recap of recent votes “Under the Dome”

This update is being provided to help keep citizens informed about important decisions happening at the State Capitol and to stay updated on how elected officials are voting on key issues in Madison.

Joint Finance Committee votes - May 5th and 7th

For a list of JFC committee members, click here

Pretrial Intoxicated Driver Intervention Grant Program (LFB budget paper #382)
Summary: Gov. Walker proposed deleting $1.5 million in funding for the pretrial intoxicated driver intervention program appropriation in the Department of Transportation.
How they voted: Gov. Walker’s position was approved on a party line 12-4 vote by Republicans.

Budget Adjustment for Governor’s Office (Office of the Governor Item #1)
Summary: Gov. Walker proposed increasing state funding for his gubernatorial office by $422,600.
How they voted: Gov. Walker’s position was approved on a party line 12-4 vote by Republicans.

Non-Partisan Legislative Redistricting (Motion #154)

Summary: This motion would create a non-partisan method for establishing legislative and congressional district boundaries similar to the provisions in 2013 Senate Bill 163.
How they voted: This motion was rejected on a 12-4 vote by Republicans.

Law Enforcement Office Involved Death Investigations (Motion #231)
Summary: This motion would provide the Department of Justice $635,100 in funding and four positions to conduct officer-involved death investigations and investigations into non-fatal officer-involved incidents.
How they voted: This motion was approved on a bipartisan 16-0 vote.

Municipal and County Recycling Grants (Paper #481)
Summary: Gov. Walker proposed deleting $4 million in funding for the municipal and county recycling grant program.
How they voted: Gov. Walker’s position was approved on a party line 12-4 vote by Republicans.

Wisconsin Cancer Reporting System (Motion #183)
Summary: This motion would provide $193,800 in state funding for the Wisconsin’s Cancer Reporting System in order to improve cancer research efforts and meet current caseload demands.
How they voted: This motion was rejected on a 12-4 vote by Republicans.

Minimum Wage Raise to $10.10 an Hour (Motion #213)
Summary: This motion would raise the state minimum wage to $10.10 per hour for general employees and $3.00 per hour for tipped employees. Additionally, it would repeal the prohibition in current law of a municipality or county enacting and administering an ordinance establishing a living wage.
How they voted: This motion was rejected on a 12-4 vote by Republicans.

100th Anniversary of the State Capitol (Motion #188)
Summary: This motion would create a 100th Anniversary State Capitol Commemoration Committee to plan for events, including educational programs for children and students, to be held in 2017.
How they voted: This motion was approved on a bipartisan 16-0 vote.


State Senate floor votes - May 6th

UW Men’s Basketball resolution (Senate Joint Resolution 33)
Summary: This joint resolution congratulates the UW Madison men's basketball team on its outstanding 2014-15 basketball season and reaching the NCAA championship game.
How they voted: Passed on a voice vote

Teacher Appreciation Week (Senate Resolution 5)
Summary: This resolution recognizes May 4–8, 2015, as Teacher Appreciation Week.
How they voted: Passed on a voice vote

70 MPH limit (Assembly Bill 27)
Summary: This bill increases the maximum speed limit from 65 miles per hour to 70 miles per hour on state and interstate freeways.
How they voted: Passed on a voice vote


Higher Ed., Lower Debt

This week my Democratic colleagues on the Joint Finance Committee offered several budget motions to make higher education more affordable for students and families. These proposals were defeated on party line votes, with all Republicans voting against our attempts to help students.

Most notably, the Higher Ed., Lower Debt motion put forward by Democrats would have allowed individuals with student loan debt to refinance their loans at lower interest rates, saving them thousands of dollars over the course of their loan. Additionally, borrowers would have been able to deduct loan payments from their income taxes, helping to keep more money in their pockets.

As a result of sky-high interest rates, many college graduates are finding it increasingly difficult to buy a car, purchase a home and start a family. Student loan debt has topped $1 trillion nationally and has surpassed credit card debt in America. There are over 800,000 Wisconsin residents struggling as a result of the student loan debt crisis.


Simply allowing individuals to refinance their student loans at lower interest rates would save some families thousands of dollars a year. This is a commonsense measure that will boost our economy and make it a little easier for families to work their way into the middle class. I hope that we can continue to discuss this issue and work together to address the student loan debt crisis before it spirals even further out of control.


Local Business of the Week!


I always enjoy visiting locally owned businesses throughout the 32nd Senate District and will be highlighting a different local business in each e-update. This week's featured business is the La Crosse Pettibone Boat Club!

After recent renovations my family and I went to their grand re-opening. It has beautiful open seating with an abundance of natural light, not to mention the patio where you have a great view of the Mississippi.

You don't want to miss out on what is sure to be a summer hot spot!

National Cyber Security Alliance and Better Business Bureau Encourage

All Internet Users To Do a Digital Spring Cleaning

NCSA: The National Cyber Security Alliance (NCSA) National Cyber Security Alliance and Better Business Bureau (BBB) say now is the perfect time for a “digital spring cleaning.” In many households, spring cleaning is an annual ritual marked by clearing out closets, basements and garages, de-cluttering cabinets, and getting everything spic and span. While making sure your home is in tip-top shape, don’t forget about getting a fresh start with your online life as well. Add a digital element to your spring cleaning rite by updating security software, unclogging your inbox, and ridding your smart phone of unused apps.

“Plan to conduct a digital de-clutter in addition to sprucing up your home this spring,” said Michael Kaiser, NCSA’s executive director. “Take care of that long, overdue digital maintenance and you will be more secure against losing valuable, personal information and being a victim of identity theft while making your online life more manageable. With some smart, simple practices, you will help protect yourself, your family and the extended digital community while enjoying the Internet with greater confidence.”


For more tips on digital spring cleaning check out their website here.


Wisconsin DNR Updates

Open house meetings will help guide design of state bikeways
The public will have an opportunity to help identify and develop a network of mapped bikeway routes in Wisconsin at a series of upcoming open house meetings. -Read Full Article


Spring is here - look out for turtles crossing the road
Spring has arrived, and wildlife enthusiasts will begin to see turtles on the move throughout Wisconsin. If you see a turtle crossing the road in Wisconsin, you can submit your findings and help future turtle conservation efforts. -Read Full Article


DNR invites public comments on Great Lakes beach listings and program changes
If you enjoy Wisconsin's Great Lakes beaches, the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources would like to hear from you regarding the current listing of beaches and boat launches as well as upcoming changes regarding beach monitoring. -Read Full article


Grab your helmet! Nearly time to hit the ATV-UTV trails for summer riding fun
As the all-terrain vehicle and utility-terrain vehicle trail-riding season approaches in Wisconsin, Department of Natural Resources wardens encourage riders to grab their helmets so they have safe, enjoyable rides. -Read Full Article


Recently Introduced Legislation

If you are interested in legislation that is being introduced, the Wisconsin Legislative website posts bills as they are being introduced in the Senate and Assembly. Check it out and stay informed!  

Calendar of Events




5/15-17 Westby Syttende Mai Westby
5/16 Westby Syttende Mai Bicycle Tour Westby
5/16 Driftless Area Art Festival Gays Mills
5/16 Westby Syttende Mai 5K Run/Walk and Half Marathon Westby
5/16 Riverside Family Fun Fair La Crosse
5/17 Syttende Mai Parade Westby
5/18 Spring Wild Edible Hike La Farge
5/19 Children's After School Pottery La Crosse
5/20 Gays Mills Farmers Market Gays Mills
5/20 Kickapoo Valley Reserve Tromp and Chomp Trail Run La Farge
5/22 Movie Under the Stars #1_Lego Movie Holmen
5/22-5/23 Villa Louis Behind the Scenes Prairie du Chien
5/25 Memorial Day United States


I apologize if any upcoming events in the area were left off. If you would like me to include an event in future e-updates, please email me the date, location and a website with details.

Senator Jennifer Shilling
P.O. Box 7882 - Madison, WI 53707

phone: 608.266.5490   



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