End of the 2011-2012 Legislative
As the 2011-2012 legislative session
comes to an end, we must take stock of where we were, and where we are now
as a state.
Wisconsin is now falling behind the
rest of the nation due to massive cuts that are undermining public
education, the economic foundation of our future, with over $1.6 billion cut
from public schools. In addition, we lead the nation in job loss, with
negative job numbers each month since Governor Walker's budget was signed
into law. We are the only state to have that disgraceful record.
Finally, over 29,000 children may lose access to health care due to the
draconian cuts which were necessitated by the $2.3 billion in corporate tax
giveaways at the beginning of this session. Because of these factors
and others, we are the most divided state in the nation politically. Sincerely,
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