Democrat Hits on Businesses Keep Coming

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This week, the Democrats in the Legislature passed a new law that could have drastic effects on the legal climate for small businesses in Wisconsin.

Senate Bill 20 would increase the cap on punitive damages for discrimination lawsuits to $300,000. Our neighboring states of Iowa, Illinois, and Michigan don’t even allow for punitive damages, and Minnesota limits it to $25,000. This bill essentially tells businesses to not take the risk of hiring someone in Wisconsin.

At a time when businesses are struggling to make ends meet and thousands are being laid off each month, the last thing that government should be doing is making it more difficult for employers to operate in Wisconsin. Democrats in the Legislature just don’t get it!

I want you to know that Republicans are standing up for you in Madison. I encourage you to watch the video of my floor speech yesterday. Please feel free to contact me to share your thoughts on the impact that SB 20 or other legislation will have on your business and Wisconsin's job climate.



Property Tax Increases in Budget

A Legislative Fiscal Bureau analysis estimates Governor Doyle’s budget proposal will increase property taxes


Democrats Ring up New Taxes on Phones

Telephone customers are being hit twice. A measure approved by the Joint Finance Committee will add a 75 cent surcharge monthly phone bills and divert a surplus from an expired phone tax.


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