State Capitol
Room 307 West
P.O. Box 8953
Madison, WI 53708
Phone: (608) 266-5780
Toll Free: (888) 534-0095
Basketball UW - La Crosse vs. University of Wisconsin-Whitewater
Date: Jan. 17 9:00 p.m.
Location: UW-La Crosse Athletics
2015 Ski Jumping Tournament
Date: Thursday, January 29th, 2 p.m.-6 p.m.
Location: Snowflake Ski Club
Twelve Angry Men
Date: Feb. 13 through Mar. 1.
Location: Veterans Studio Theater (MAP)
Blue Man Group
Date: Thursday, Jan. 22, 7:30 p.m.
Location: La Crosse Center
January is National Blood
Donor Month. Did you know that one pint of blood can save up to three
lives? Almost every two seconds, someone in the United States needs a
blood donation, and more than 41,000 blood donations are needed per day.
Consider donating blood this
year, hosting a blood drive, or volunteering in honor of National Blood
Donor Month.
Click here to find a blood donation center near you.
Wisconsin is the ginseng capital of the world. In fact, Wisconsin is the
leading producer of ginseng, making more than 10 percent of the world's
supply and more than 90 percent of the U.S. supply.
In 1904, the Fromm brothers of Hamburg, Wisconsin transplanted 100 wild
ginseng plants onto their land in Marathon County. This lead to the
creation of American Ginseng of Marathon LLC many years later. This
business owns over 280 acres of soil, and has been producing ginseng for
over 30 years.
Ginseng root has been known to lower blood sugar, cholesterol, help with
stress, improve strength and promote relaxation. Ginseng is used as an
ingredient in many products throughout the world, and Wisconsin gets to
take a lot of the credit!
Friends and Neighbors,
Welcome back to our newsletter. This
biweekly newsletter will help keep you informed on a number of
important issues in our region, state, and nation. Last week, the
2015-16 legislative session began. I was inaugurated on January 5, and
am honored to continue serving as the representative of Wisconsin's 95th
Assembly district. In the first few days, Wisconsin legislators were
already hard at work drafting and discussing legislation. I am eager to
continue working for the people of La Crosse, and am hopeful that our
legislature will be able to set aside partisan differences to make
positive changes for our neighbors and families.
As always, please let me and my office know if we can be of assistance
in any way.
Best Wishes,
Jill Billings
State Representative
95th Assembly District
Gov. Walker Delivers "State of the State" Address |
Governor Walker gave
the State of the State on Tuesday, and detailed his
plans for Wisconsin's next four years. In his address,
Walker spoke on the consolidation of Wisconsin agencies,
education, and plans for economic progress among other
During Governor Walker's first State
of the State, he promised to create 250,000 jobs in
Wisconsin. In later promises, he said Wisconsin would
start this year with a surplus. We've entered this year
with a crippling, multibillion-dollar deficit – proving
the failure of a number of policies enacted during
Walker's first term. With this knowledge, it is crucial
that the Walker administration now take a careful look
at its past policies and make significant changes to
restore prosperity for hardworking, middle-class
To make positive change in our state, we need to fight
for our local workforce, push back against special
interests, and ensure that our public schools continue
to provide a quality education for all Wisconsin
students. In order to avoid another financial crisis, we
must also ensure that proposed consolidations of state
agencies are thoughtfully discussed and debated.
This session, I hope my legislative counterparts can
move past partisan goals and special-interest
incentives, and focus on implementing commonsense
solutions for our Wisconsin neighbors and families. My
democratic colleagues and I are committed to restoring
economic progress in our state, creating opportunities
for our children to succeed, and protecting
Wisconsinites' most basic freedoms.
EIS Requested
for BNSF Railway |
Last week, my office, in
conjunction with Senator Jennifer Shilling and Representative
Steve Doyle, sent a letter to the Wisconsin Department of
Natural Resources requesting an Environmental Impact Study for
the proposed development of a BNSF rail line over the La Crosse
River Marsh.
As many of you know, the La Crosse River Marsh is a staple in
our community, and is very important for the ecological
development of the area. Construction of this area could have
environmental consequences that we need to prevent. Therefore,
we are requesting that, before development can proceed, the DNR
conduct an Environmental Impact Study, which would ultimately
show whether or not this project is a sound decision in La
Recently, my office has been getting a number of questions about
the La Crosse River Marsh construction – questions that we are
unable to answer without an EIS. Performing an EIS would not
only provide the assurance of environmental safety, but it would
quell concerns of La Crosse residents.
To view a copy of the letter to the DNR,
click here.
Bills Proposed in First Session |
During the first week of the legislative session, both the
Democrats and Republicans proposed bills that dealt with
education accountability.
The Democrats' bill is a re-draft of SB 288 from last session,
which had bipartisan support. Aiming to increase transparency
between taxpayers and publicly-funded schools, this bill
proposed mandatory background checks and teaching licenses for
educators in the State of Wisconsin, uniform graduation
standards, and requiring all voucher-funded schools to be
located in Wisconsin. This bill proposed a number of
common-sense ideas to make our educational system more
accountable to taxpayers, parents, and students.
The Republicans' bill, now AB1, will be discussed through a
public hearing this week Wednesday, January 14. Unlike the
Democrats' bill, this bill took a different interpretation of
"accountability." AB1 includes limiting local control (the
ability of school superintendents to make decisions), and
instead giving control of schools to government-appointed
"Academic Review Boards." This plan also proposed labeling all
Wisconsin schools with a letter grade of A-F, and allowing each
individual school to set its own educational standards. Clearly,
these ideas do not improve accountability, but rather provides
conflicting information to schools and families by creating
unequal rules.
Wisconsin schools have been regressing for the past few years.
Our statistics have slipped, and our students have fallen
behind. Investing in voucher schools has already proven a
dangerous mistake in our state -- taking away valuable resources
from our public schools, and making no gains for our state. But,
if we make the correct choices, and implement common-sense,
forward-thinking solutions, we will be able to push Wisconsin
back to the top.
Trafficking Symposium Highlights Areas for Policy Reform |
recognition of National Human Trafficking Awareness month, my
office, along with Rep. LaTonya Johnson, Rep. Joel Kleefisch,
and Sen. Nikiya Harris Dodd hosted a legislative symposium on
human trafficking.
The symposium aimed to raise awareness and understanding
of sexually exploited youth in Wisconsin, in order to take
action and end the human trafficking of children in our state.
Panel members speaking at the event included: The Human
Trafficking Taskforce of Greater Milwaukee, La Crosse Anti-Human
Trafficking Taskforce, End Demand Wisconsin, and the U.S.
Attorney’s Office Federal Task Force on Human Trafficking.
Making legitimate change in human trafficking in our
state, nation, and worldwide includes cracking down on
traffickers, aiding trafficking victims, and educating the
public to stop the spread of trafficking.