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(608)266-5780 | State Capitol, Room 307 West, P.O. Box 8953, Madison, WI 53708 | |
COMMUNITY EVENTS: Friday, Jan. 26 7:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. Pump House Regional Arts Center
Saturday, Jan. 27 1 p.m. Lake Onalaska
Groundhog Dinner Charity Raffle Saturday, Feb. 3 4 p.m. Moose Family Center
Sunday, Feb. 4 12:30 - 1:30 p.m. Children's Museum of La Crosse
State Capitol Phone:
(608) 266-5780
(888) 534-0095 |
Friends and Neighbors,
We are hearing that the legislative session will be ending toward the end of this month or the beginning of next, making this one of the busiest times of the year in the Capitol. Four floor session days have been scheduled in the Assembly during the next two weeks, legislators are continuing to hear and vote on bills in committee, and a number of constituents have been visiting me in Madison or contacting my office via phone and email. I appreciate all of you who have weighed in on an array of important issues, varying from local control and wetlands regulations to hunting restrictions and medical marijuana legislation. One of the bills continuing to make its way through both the Assembly and Senate is my Sexually Exploited Children Protection Act (AB 186/SB 344). SB 344 passed out of the Senate Committee on Judiciary and Public Safety on a unanimous "yes" vote this week. Both the Assembly and Senate versions of the bill can be taken up on the floor at any point, and I am hopeful that our state is that much closer to treating children who have been human trafficked as victims instead of criminals. As always, please let me know if you have any questions, comments or concerns about these or any other pieces of legislation. You can contact my office by calling (608) 266-5780 or emailing me at
Please continue reading for more detailed information on the happenings locally and statewide.
Best Wishes, Jill Billings State Representative 95th Assembly District
Early Voting Voting early for the primary has begun
Black History Month Voting early for the primary has begun Black and Latino Caucus formation State of Black and Brown Wisconsin
Children's Caucus Thousands of Wisconsin's children are served by our state's foster care system. In total, there were more than 7,000 children needing homes in 2016, and, if projections are correct, Wisconsin will have more than 10,000 children involved in the foster care system by 2023. As a member of the Speaker's Task Force on Foster Care, I have had the opportunity to talk to stakeholders from around the state over the past several months in order to work on improving our foster care system. After hearing from so many people affected by the system and the obstacles it can cause, I introduced AB 781. This proposal aims to more clearly define "dental care," since the existing Wisconsin statues contain vague words, leaving "ordinary dental care" up to interpretation.
AB 781 is one of 13 proposal the Speaker's Task Force on Foster Care release as a result of hearing from parents, children, and services involved with foster care throughout the state. I am proud to serve on this task force as an advocate for Wisconsin's youth.
Rep. Billings testifying on AB 781
Constituents in the Capitol
DNR Wisconsin Hunter Ethics Award
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