Another exciting week!
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A Note from Rep Macco
This week was an exciting week for the office in Madison. I took part in two committee hearings, one on Transportation and the other on Ways and Means. We were also in session this week, and we were able to pass some very forward-thinking bills.



This month our office is hosting an exchange fellow from Azerbaijan. In Azerbaijan, Beybala works in the Ministry of Tax. He is working on studying our tax code and offering some solutions to make it more common sense. We are blessed to have him here!


Wisconsin Mill-rights tour

On Monday I visited the Wisconsin Carpenters and Mill rights Union Facilities. They have some great facilities there and are able to see the successes possible in the future.

First 100 days video #1!

I took some time to shoot a couple videos about my first 100 days in office. In this video I give you a piece of financial advice. You can click on the photo to watch or click here.


Wisconsin Legislature in the News!

Wisconsin Unemployment Fraud

"“‘I find it profoundly unconscionable that anybody in any circumstance would try to justify what is tantamount to stealing,” Rep. John Macco.

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Democrats claim ruled false

Assembly and Senate Republicans are dedicated to restoring k-12 Education. This is similar to what we have done in previous budgets

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70 Miles Per Hour Passes

This week, after years of discussion, the 70 mile per hour bill will go to the Governor. #itstime

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Community Events this Week

A couple events this weekend and some to put in your calendar. We are getting to that time of year where it seems every night there is something for the whole community to come out!

Boy Scout Memorabilia Show & Trade-O-Ree
Calvary Lutheran Church from 8:00 - 2:30 on Saturday,  May 16
Oak Grove Neighborhood Rummage Sale
Betwen East Mason and Main Streets east of the river. 8:00 Am - 4:00 Pm
Our Lady of Lourdes Parish Picnic
Outdoor Polka Mass, Booyah and Jerry Voelker! 12:30 - 4:00 at Our Lady of Lourdes
Celebrate De Pere
Includes rides, music, foods and more! Voyaguer Park in De Pere.
Bellevue Movie in the Park
Josten Park in Bellevue from 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm. Showing "Alexander and the Terrible, Horrilbe, No Good Very Bad Day.
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