February 6, 2015

A Note from Rep. Macco

Rep. Macco's 2015 Spring Survey

So far, I have received over 300 surveys back in the mail and online. If you have not taken the time to fill out the survey, you can click on the picture below to do so.

This is an essential tool to let me know how you feel about what's going on in Madison, and it should only take 5 minutes!

A great visit with Green Bay Preble High School

This past Wednesday, thirty four students from Green Bay Preble High School toured the Capitol. The students are English as a Second Language students, and my comments had to be translated by their teacher. Still, the students were very receptive and asked me some great questions.

I told them how, being a third generation Belgian, I remember my grandparents talking about their Belgian parents and discussing the hardships of being immigrants. Even though that was 100 years ago, the struggles of 1st and 2nd generation Americans have always been difficult. However, after meeting these students, I am excited to see the great things they will do with their lives!

Need a Job?

Congressman Ribble is hosting a job fair on April 20th at NWTC. If you or anyone you know is looking for a job, this is a great opportunity to talk to over 80 companies looking for responsible workers from around the Green Bay area.

Click here for more information, or contact Congressman Ribble's office.

Joint Committee on Audit Public Hearing

On Wednesday, the Joint Legislative Audit Committee met to discuss a number of potential new audits. We then discussed a released audit regarding fraud in the unemployment claims at the Department of Workforce Development. The audit discovered 64,700 cases of intentional fraud from 2011 to 2014. This meant that 44,000 people intentionally defrauded the system over three years which cost taxpayers $86 million dollars.

During discussion on the subject I said the following:

"I find it profoundly unconscionable that anybody in any circumstance would try and justify what is tantamount to stealing from the rest of the employees who are looking for this and from the rest of us taxpayers."

You can find out more about the story, and see video from my testimony here.

Busy Week!


The weather is getting warmer, kids are finishing up school and the community is coming out of hibernation. Soon, farmers markets, festivals and parades will begin in the area. I'm looking forward to having a busy summer getting to see you at these events in the community!


Have a great weekend,





John Macco


88th Assembly District


As always, if you have any comments or thoughts regarding the subject of this
E-Update, please feel free to contact me.

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State Capitol Room 22 West - PO Box 8952, Madison, WI 53708
(608) 266-0485
Email: Rep.Macco@legis.wisconsin.gov  ยท  RepJohnMacco.com