Get Refund Status
Refund Help
Refund Status
Obtener Estado de Reembolso
Get Refund Status
Please enter your Social Security Number, your Filing Status and the refund amount as shown on your tax return.
*See our
Privacy Notice
regarding our request for your personal information.
Social Security Number
or IRS Individual Taxpayer Identification
shown on your tax return.
Please enter Social Security Number here.
Please enter the first three digits of your Social Security Number.
Please enter the second two digits of your Social Security Number.
Please enter the last four digits of your Social Security Number.
Filing Status
Please select the Filing Status
shown on your tax return.
Please select a Filing Status here.
Married-Filing Joint Return
Married-Filing Separate Return
Head of Household
Qualifying Widow(er)
Refund Amount
You must enter the exact whole dollar amount
shown on your tax return
. Providing the exact whole dollar
amount is essential to receiving the correct response.
Submit Button
Please select this button to continue getting your Refund Status.
Please enter Refund Amount here.
Please enter Refund Amount here.
Note: For security reasons, we recommend that you close your browser after you have finished accessing your refund status.