November 11, 2011

Veteran's Day

Veterans Day is a day when we remember the sacrifices of all American veterans.  For 235 years, America has been the land of the free because of brave men and women who in times of war and peace are willing to dedicate their lives for their country. 

I am proud of America’s veterans, and I personally want to take this opportunity to thank them for fighting to preserve the rights and opportunities that Americans cherish.   



Tell us your opinion

Representative Wynn is currently circulating this legislation draft, let me know your thoughts......

This bill would honor and support our disabled veterans by giving tax credits to employers who hire disabled veterans, with an emphasis on full-time and long-term employment. Unemployment among veterans is above average, but unemployment among disabled veterans, by some estimates, is at 50% or higher.

For a full-time position, an employer who hires an unemployed disabled veteran would receive a $10,000 tax credit over the course of four years. For the first year that the unemployed disabled veteran is hired, the employer will receive a $4,000 tax credit. For each of the following three years, the employer will receive a $2,000 tax credit as long as the veteran remains employed there.

For a part-time position, the tax credit for hiring an unemployed disabled veteran will be a maximum of $2,000 the first year, and $1,000 each of the subsequent three years, as long as the veteran remains employed there. The actual amount of the credit will vary proportionately on the average number of hours the disabled veteran works each week over the course of the year.

I believe that part of the lost revenue to the state will be made up by these veterans finding gainful employment, taking them off of the unemployment rolls and contributing to the economy of the state as a whole.

The Fiscal Estimate is:

FY 2012: $300,000

FY 2013: $1.3 million

FY 2014: $2.0 million

FY 2015: $2.4 million

FY 2016: $2.8 million

FY 2017: $2.9 million

However, this estimate does not reflect the fact that these veterans will no longer be collecting unemployment compensation. Reducing unemployment compensation will reduce our debt to the federal government and thus help alleviate the yearly assessments businesses pay for the interest owed to the federal government.

Finally, the bill requires that the Department of Workforce Development submit to the Joint Finance Committee a report during the 2013 budget process describing the impact of these credits. At that point, the tax credits can be renewed, re-worked, or discontinued based on the evidence of its effectiveness. This would, obviously, have a great effect on the fiscal estimate.

Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau

This bill creates an income and franchise tax credit for hiring unemployed veterans. Under the bill, a taxpayer may claim the following amounts as credits:

1. For each disabled veteran the taxpayer hires in the taxable year to work a full−time job in this state, $4,000 in the taxable year in which the disabled veteran is hired and $2,000 in each of the three taxable years following the taxable year in which the disabled veteran is hired.

2. For each disabled veteran the taxpayer hires in the taxable year to work a part−time job in this state, $2,000 in the taxable year in which the disabled veteran is hired and $1,000 in each of the three taxable years following the taxable year in which the disabled veteran is hired.

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We also ask you to forward this information to your family, neighbors or friends in the community, encouraging them to register.


Governor Walker Invites Youth to Decorate the State Capitol Christmas Tree

Governor Walker asked art teachers, parents, and youth all across Wisconsin to help the State of Wisconsin decorate the Capitol Christmas Tree.  The theme of the tree this year will be Honoring 163 years of Wisconsin’s Veterans.   

“As the holiday season comes, I am excited to announce that the Christmas tree displayed in our State Capitol will have homemade ornaments created by Wisconsin’s youth,” said Governor Walker.  “I am hopeful we receive ornaments from all across Wisconsin so that we are able to showcase the diversity that makes up our great state.  I invite all Wisconsin residents to stop by the Capitol and view our state’s holiday display.” 

The 2011 Capitol Christmas Tree was located by a DNR warden in the Brule River State Forest area.  The DNR is arranging delivery with a local trucking company and the exact delivery date has yet to be determined due to deer hunting considerations but will be finalized soon.  The tree will be put up in the Capitol Rotunda, lit and start to be decorated on Monday November 28th and will be completed by Friday December 2nd.

Teachers or students interested in displaying ornaments on the tree must make their submissions by December 1, and the ornaments must be based on the Honoring 163 years of Wisconsin’s Veterans theme.  The ornaments can be mailed to:


Governor Walker’s Office

State Christmas Tree Ornament Program

P.O. Box 7863

Madison, WI 53707-7863

Frequently Asked Questions from the DNR

The Department of Natural Resources strives to provide accurate information to the public in a timely manner.  Consequently, we want to inform you of some revisions to the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's) regarding new firearm casing laws that are on the DNR Website. 
Earlier this week, you were provided a link to the FAQ's, so we want to inform you of these revisions.  On 11-10-11, a number of the answers posted at the link below earlier in the week pertaining to new firearm casing and transportation below were revised. 
The revisions clarify that it remains illegal to place a loaded rifle, shotgun, or muzzleloader inside any vehicle.   A loaded rifle, shotgun, or muzzleloader may only be placed on the top or exterior of a stationary motor vehicle, or leaned against a stationary motor vehicle.
The changes to the FAQ's are highlighted in red for ease of reference. 
Thank you in advance for assisting us in getting accurate and timely information out to the public.




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(608) 266-0215