March 25, 2011

Welcome to Rep. Krug’s E-Update

I am worried that fear is overtaking rationality in the discussions on how the budget repair bill will affect municipalities, schools, counties and all of the workers involved.

To address the concerns brought to my attention, I have turned my campaign website,, into a question and answer area for all items related to Wisconsin’s ongoing fiscal and jobs emergency. 

Here at home, I have witnessed local examples of how the “unknown” is turning into unnecessary layoffs for public workers. It’s my goal to make sure that each employing entity knows exactly how this bill and the pending budget cuts will affect them. For example, municipalities have to understand that shared revenue cuts will not take effect until 2012.

My office has contacted all five of the school districts I represent, as well as the counties, villages and the city of Wisconsin Rapids. For those who have shown an interest in working towards keeping all staff on board I commend you. The way the budget repair bill and the upcoming budget work together to keep all public employees on the job.  

Additionally, folks have commented on a letter they received from me in regards to private contracts within the public sector. Some have interpreted those comments to mean I am looking towards more privatization. That could not be further from the truth. I fully intend to keep working with agencies to find a better way of keeping more public employees employed. Privatization costs have proven to be excessive at times, and these contracts need to be heavily scrutinized.

On another topic, open office hours will be coming up as well on March 28th from 5-7pm at McMillan Library and on April 4th from 5-7pm at the Adams Community Center. At least one statewide public employee union has called for protesters to attend the Wisconsin Rapids event. I will say this; any uncivil discussions will not be tolerated as this is a community location where children will likely be present. As with the school board meeting held at the ( enter name of school ) I will answer everyone’s questions to make sure the correct information is heard.

The best way we can all begin to move forward is to have fair and accurate information upon which to base our decisions.  I do have an advantage in this regard given my involvement with other decision makers, and with our nonpartisan service agencies such as the Legislative Fiscal and Reference Bureaus and the Legislative Council. My staff and I will do our best to meet with as many people as possible and agencies to make sure that independent agency information is distributed.

There will always be those who will make unfair comments no matter what information is provided to them. I understand this, and know it’s part of the job. However I disagree with spreading false information and swaying people based on myths. Individuals who do such things are thwarting the democratic process. I have heard people say we have given billionaires the right to buy power plants for $1. I have heard people say we have just given $110 million to McDonald’s and Wal Mart.   Both are untrue.

In reality, this bill created minimum contribution levels that public employees will be required to pay towards their own healthcare and pension plans. The bill opened the possibility for agencies to change their insurance plans to alternative options that are more affordable. This bill kept collective bargaining in place; but only as it relates to wages. The budget repair bill allows workers to choose whether or not to join a union. The bill does not give away our state owned power plants; nor does it give millions away to anyone. Finally, this bill does not affect any unions outside of the public sector.  Anything to the contrary of those statements is absolutely 100% false.

There is no ulterior motive and there is no conspiracy. There is only the State of Wisconsin working towards saving taxpayer money while continuing to provide a vast majority of services for those who need them.

As we move ahead, your input is crucial. Please feel free to call me at (888)529-0072 or email me at Our door is always open here in Madison in room 316 North and we welcome all visitors. Finally, I have no problem taking your calls at home at (715) 459-2267.

Thank you all for the opportunity to serve,

Representative Scott Krug

Office Hours Announced

McMillian Library

All Purpose Room

Wisconsin Rapids, WI

Monday, March 28th from 5 pm to 7 pm


Adams County Extension Office

Community Center Room Reservation

569 North Cedar Street, Suite 3

Adams, WI 53910

Monday, April 4th from 5pm to 7pm


Secretary of State and State Treasurer


Representative Krug sponsors legislation to let the voters decide if we need a State Treasurer or a Secretary of State

Smaller government was always the goal of Representative Scott Krug and State Treasurer Kurt Schuller  


Madison – State Treasurer Kurt Schuller has enlisted the help of Representative Scott Krug to let the voters decide whether we truly need a State Treasurer or a Secretary of State.


In response to the announcement of the bill, Rep. Krug stated, “This bill is about reigning in spending at all levels of government.  The purpose of this legislation is to give the voters of the State of Wisconsin a direct say in if these positions are needed.”


“I met Kurt Schuller last fall on the campaign trail.  He proposed then to get rid of the State Treasurer position and I respect that he is living up to that promise.  I look forward to spirited debate on this issue,” states Krug.  “It’s clear to me that voters spoke on this issue when Kurt was elected and we will let them do so again.”




As always, if you have any comments or thoughts regarding the subject of this
E-Update, please feel free to contact me.

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State Capitol Room 316 North- PO Box 8952, Madison, WI 53708
(608) 266-0215