Welcome to Rep. Krug’s E-Update
Like the wintry winds howling
outside on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week, the winds of change have been
howling through Wisconsin for the past month. Since Inauguration Day in
January we have passed a great set of job creation and economic development
bills and more are on the way.
Look at what has passed up to this point. We have opened Wisconsin for
business to the rest of the world with our business relocation tax credits.
Every existing business has also been given significant job creation
deductions. Businesses are sitting on cash reserves around the world and are
looking for the right environment to invest in. Our time is now!
We have reduced bureaucratic influence on the permitting and administrative
rules process; in other words, we have reduced the proverbial red tape that
we all hear so much about. It is high time that we require government to
start moving at the speed of business in order to create opportunities and
jobs for all Wisconsin residents. In addition, we have reduced the worry of
frivolous lawsuits as businesses operate in good faith once they do arrive
here. The additional costs of litigation kills jobs, period. Employers can’t
afford to hire more people when they have to worry about having funds to
protect themselves against the inevitable silly lawsuit that will at some
point pop up.
Speaking of costs related to business we also passed Health Savings Account
reforms in Wisconsin. It is now the law in the land that we will not levy
state taxes on accounts that individuals can set aside for their healthcare
needs. That saves money for all involved and makes these plans a good
alternative for employers to encourage their employees to use these accounts
to manage their own healthcare and leave them some extra money in their
pockets at the end of the day.
On the way to the Governor soon is the creation of our own specifically
dedicated economic development agency called the Wisconsin Economic
Development Corporation. The creation of this agency separates regulation
and job creation from the former Commerce Department. I will look to
volunteer my service to this agency as each chamber will have one member
from each side of aisle serving. My expertise and background in job creation
and job development lend very well to this agency. The WEDC will be able to
leverage everything we are working on now to create real jobs for real
Wisconsin residents and soon.
It is my honest belief that if we had in place the new business climate that
we have now adopted in Wisconsin, Energy Composites could be in operation
here. Between 600 to 800 new jobs could have been created in our own
backyard. This new environment provides incentives to create jobs. It
creates incentives for investors to see that return on their money is more
of a realistic venture. This is where the prior legislature failed and this
is where we must not fail. Our work will continue on job creation for the
next two years as well. It is why after an 18 month campaign that you sent
me here and we will create 250,000 new jobs within the next four years.
As we continue to work on job creation and economic development we will also
maintain our promise of frugality as the Governor reiterated during the
State of the State address. To show how serious I am in this mission, I am
turning down up to 20 percent of my own pay by declining the allowed per
diem money for travel and lodging expenses. We all have to face the tough
decisions in our own homes with decreasing budgets and increasing costs.
Each legislator will face these tough decisions as well when we begin
working on the next state budget this spring.
As a first step, we will pass consumer choice in auto insurance to allow
consumers a fair chance to shop around for insurance policies that fit their
needs rather than the state’s mandates. It only makes sense to allow
flexibility to consumers and local governments as we move forward. Money may
not always be there to do what is asked, but that flexibility is just as
important. Removing unfunded mandates on consumers and units of governments
will help ease the pain that a tough budget will bring.
With the state budget work looming as well as a budget repair bill for this
year, we have two choices: we can do the heavy lifting and hard work now to
fix the problem or we can kick the problem down the road for our kids and
grandkids as the last legislature did in 2009 and as Illinois is doing right
now. I take this very personally, as a father of five kids. I will not opt
to pass this problem onto them. That means there are tough choices coming
and the voters have demanded tough action be taken right now. I truly hope
my colleagues across the aisle understand the meaning of the November 2nd
elections that sent many of their colleagues and my predecessor home. Voters
are tired of the massive spending and high taxes at all levels of
As we move ahead, your input is crucial. Please feel free to call me at
(888)529-0072 or email me at rep.krug@legis.state.wi.us. Our door is always
open here in Madison in room 316 North and we welcome all visitors. Finally,
I have no problem taking your calls at home at (715) 459-2267.
Thank you all for the opportunity to serve,
Representative Scott Krug
Office Hours Announced
McMillian Public Library
WI Rapids
All purpose room
9 am to 11 am
Feb. 25, 2011
Adams Cty Library - UW Extension
10 am to 12 pm
March 4, 2011
Representative Krug Takes the Plunge
February 5, 2011.........
Representative Krug and his friends raised over a thousand dollars for the
Special Olympics and took the Polar Plunge. He did so in style by
wearing a Packer jersey to support the team. Good Job Rep Krug, keep
up the good work.