February 28, 2011

Welcome to Rep. Krug’s E-Update



After days of testimony, Assembly passes the bill


State Representative Scott Krug issued the following statement about the budget repair bill.

“We spent sixty plus hours debating different facets of the bill and I heard from hundreds of constituents from the 72nd district who came to me last week to voice opinions on both sides of the bill.  This was not an easy vote but it is a vote that I stand by.” 

“Ending the debts and deficits of massive government spending is why I came to Madison and what I will continue to fight for.”

“Wisconsin is in a real fiscal crisis and we needed to act immediately.  With this budget repair bill we are setting the groundwork for a better Wisconsin for our children.”

“My hope now is that our Democrat counterparts in the Senate will return to Wisconsin and engage in peaceful debate as we did in the Assembly.


As we move ahead, your input is crucial. Please feel free to call me at (888)529-0072 or email me at rep.krug@legis.state.wi.us. Our door is always open here in Madison in room 316 North and we welcome all visitors. Finally, I have no problem taking your calls at home at (715) 459-2267.

Thank you all for the opportunity to serve,

Representative Scott Krug


Office Hours Announced

Adams County Library - UW Extension
10 am to 12 pm
March 4, 2011


As always, if you have any comments or thoughts regarding the subject of this
E-Update, please feel free to contact me.

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State Capitol Room 316 North- PO Box 8952, Madison, WI 53708
(608) 266-0215
Email: Rep.Krug@legis.wisconsin.gov