Welcome to Rep. Krug’s E-Update
This week Governor Walker signed into law the fiscal parts of the Budget
Repair Bill that were taken out at the controversial meeting in the Senate
chamber. These are the provisions we wanted to pass immediately but we were
forced to delay them due to the actions of the Senate Democrats that fled
the state.
I realize there is a lot
of talk of how there is not a deficit in Wisconsin so I wanted to explain
that there is and this is how.
While the January
Revenue estimates showed the state with a positive net balance, it didn’t
include two outstanding bills that need to be paid sooner rather than later.
$200 million to be repaid to the patient’s
compensation fund. The Supreme Court ruled that the state was not able to
take this money from the fund and it will need to be repaid, plus interest.
$58.7 million to Minnesota for our
reciprocity deal. Wisconsin still owed Minnesota after the tax reciprocity
deal was broken. The bill was due on December 1, 2010 and the daily
interest on the bill is $4,584.
Also, painted as some as
raiding $28 million from the pension fund, this is excess money generated by
the Group Insurance Board that will be returned to the general fund. The
money is being used to reduce employer (the state) costs for providing group
health insurance for the second half of this year.
Budget Hearing in Stevens Point
There was a great
turnout in Stevens Point yesterday with many concerned citizens coming out
to voice their opinion on the proposed budget and I feel honored to have
been a part of that process. A lot of good comments and some questions
were asked and I will update my website soon with some questions and answers.
I want all constituents to know that the state budget process is in-depth
and lengthy, spanning many months of public hearings and deliberations. The
first step in this process is to be considered in the Joint Committee on
Finance, hold public hearing in Wisconsin followed by action in both houses of the state legislature, and
finally put in front of the Governor for his signature.
As more details are released in the weeks to come, please contact our office
with concerns, opinions and questions.
Representative Krug
introduces web site
This week, state Representative Scott
Krug went live with his official web page (address) in an effort to keep
constituents informed and keep them up to date with what’s happening in
The site provides 72nd District constituents with easy instructions for
contacting Rep. Krug and allows them to access the latest news and
information from Madison.
The website contains not just information
as to how to contact me and write comments but also has a question and
answer from people, like you, who write in. It also contains
services that are available to you through my office.
The website
address is http://legis.wisconsin.gov/assembly/krug