April 21, 2011

Welcome to Rep. Krug’s E-Update

State Representative Scott Krug wants to go on record stating that SeniorCare is not going anywhere.  There was a need for it in 2001 when the Republicans in the Assembly brought forth the program and there is a stronger need today.

“Third Party groups are scaring seniors in our area by stating that Republicans are going to eliminate SeniorCare,” said Krug.  “We have no intention of cutting this program.”

Governor Walker’s initial Budget proposal is asking seniors enrolled in SeniorCare to also enroll for Medicare Part D to help shift some of the cost of this program to federal dollars. 

“This is an initial proposal, we have heard from many seniors from the area and will do everything to make sure low income seniors are not affected negatively,” said Krug.

Krug urges constituents to contact their legislature for information about the budget, please don’t rely on third party information. 

Adams County

After walking the areas of Adams County hit the hardest by the tornado last week, Representative Krug felt the need to reach out to the State.

“I talked to many residents affected by this latest storm and they need our help,” Krug said.  “Everyone is thankful that no one was hurt but the damage is going to take a long time to clean up.”

We are working with many state agencies to bring help to residents; whether it is monetary help for those who may not be insured or having funds available to County Directors through the Wisconsin Disaster Fund.

Adams County Emergency Management estimates the damage is over 3 million dollars in the private sector and over $900,000.00 in the public sector.  These estimates have been sent to the Governor’s office.

To receive updated information, please visit the Adams County website at www.co.adams.wi.gov or call (608) 339-4248.

Representative Krug will be in Adams County next week to help with the clean up.  If anyone would like to volunteer their time next week to go to Adams County and help, please call me at 715 459 2267

Those interested in making a monetary donation to the tornado victims of the April 10, 2011 Disaster should send a check to the Grand Marsh State Bank at P.O. Box 10, Adams, WI 53910. The check must be made payable to the Adams County April 2011 Tornado Relief Fund

The Hunt for Unclaimed Property

 Throughout the next couple of months our office will be sending out letters to constituents that may have some unclaimed property.  Instructions will be included in the letter as to how to recover your property.

Annual printing of the unclaimed property list is underway. The State Treasurer is required to print the new names every year in the paper with the most circulation for each of Wisconsin‟s 72 counties.

 Even though you can look for unclaimed property 24 hours a day, 7 days a week online at the State Treasury web-site, people love looking for not only their own names but those of their friends and neighbors. We like to tell people to look for their own names at least once or twice a year online since we get new names from holders periodically... you never know when your name might appear.

Forgetting about money may seem ludicrous, but it can happen to anyone. On April 11, we re-turned $461,479 in just one day!

Visit www.statetreasury.wisconsin.gov and start your search now.


As always, if you have any comments or thoughts regarding the subject of this
E-Update, please feel free to contact me.

If you would like to be removed from future mailings, email me and ask to unsubscribe.

State Capitol Room 316 North- PO Box 8952, Madison, WI 53708
(608) 266-0215
Email: Rep.Krug@legis.wisconsin.gov