April 5, 2013

Unemployment Insurance Working Group

For the past few weeks, I have been part of an unemployment insurance working group with several of my colleagues. We have each spoken with our constituents to get input about wasteful and fraudulent unemployment insurance (UI) claims in their businesses. As a former small business owner, I know the challenges many employers face during times of economic uncertainty.

Wisconsin’s Unemployment Insurance Trust Fund is currently over $900 million in debt to the federal government. Over the last three years, small businesses have had to pay the costs associated with borrowing money from the federal government to pay UI claims. My legislative colleagues and I sent a letter this past Monday to the Unemployment Insurance Advisory Council, suggesting a reform package to ease the burden on Wisconsin’s small businesses. Some of the major changes include:

• Reducing exemptions from work search requirements while collecting UI
• Adopting a Minnesota law that would prohibit prison inmates from collecting UI
• Ending certain training programs that have lost federal funding and are currently funded through the indebted Unemployment Insurance Trust Fund
• Authorizing a one-time GPR transfer to protect Wisconsin small businesses from another federal assessment that the nonpartisan Legislative Fiscal Bureau considers necessary in 2013 and 2014.

While rooting out waste and abuse in the UI system is important, so too is protecting legitimate UI claims. Unlike many neighboring states, these proposals maintain the current maximum of 26 weeks during periods of high unemployment.

Governor Seeks Student Representative for WI Technical College System Board

Governor Walker is seeking applicants to serve a two-year term on the Wisconsin Technical College System Board. This Board is the coordinating agency for the Technical College System and establishes statewide policies and standards for the state’s technical college districts. Applicants must be a state resident, over the age of 18, enrolled at least half-time, and be in good academic standing.

More information on how to apply can be found at www.walker.wi.gov under the “Apply to Serve” tab at the top of the page. Additionally, interested applicants may contact Eric Esser at 608-266-1212. The application deadline is Wednesday, April 17.


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State Capitol Room 18 West- PO Box 8952, Madison, WI 53708
(608) 266-1194
Email: Rep.Larson@legis.wi.gov