18 August 2011


I will be holding office hours in Colfax and Bloomer with Senator Terry Moulton on August 23, 2011. These office hours are an opportunity for me to talk with you regarding any concerns, suggestions, and opinions you may have about issues in the state. The locations and times are listed below:

9-10 a.m.
Municipal Building
613 Main St., Colfax

10:30–11:30 a.m.
The Main Street Café
1418 Main St., Bloomer

It is important for me to get feedback because it gives me the chance to hear the issues that are most pressing and concerning for you. I look forward to having a chance to speak with all of you, and I hope you are able to attend.


I have signed onto Senator Moulton’s bill which would create an income and franchise tax credit for workplace wellness programs. I think it is important for health and physical fitness to be a priority. With so many existing concerns about the health of Americans, I hope employers and employees will work together to create an atmosphere that encourages healthy living.

Workplace wellness programs can include services like:
• smoking cessation
• weight management
• stress management
• worker injury prevention programs
• health screenings
• nutrition education
• health or fitness incentive programs
• vaccinations
• employee physical examinations

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, for each $1 invested in wellness programs, businesses can see a savings of $3 to $7. This could be a valuable tool for employers to improve employee wellness and productivity, and create jobs in the process by taking a preventive approach to healthcare.



The Bureau of Consumer Protection encourages consumers to take an active role in preventing price scanner errors. Some suggestions from the Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection can help provide more certainty to consumers that they are being charged the right price:

• Write down prices or special sales as you shop
• Bring store ads with you
• Speak up if you think you are overcharged
• Demand any appropriate refund while you are still in the store
• Ask about a store’s pricing error policy
• Report pricing errors to state or local inspectors

For more information, or to file a complaint, contact the Bureau of Consumer Protection on the web datcp.wisconsin.gov; via e-mail at datcphotline@wi.gov; or call toll-free at 1-800-422-7128.


As always, if you have any comments or thoughts regarding the subject of this E-Update, please feel free to contact me.

If you would like to be removed from future mailings, email me and ask to unsubscribe.

State Capitol Room 18 West- PO Box 8952, Madison, WI 53708
(608) 266-1194
Email: Rep.Larson@legis.wi.gov