December 20, 2013

Common Core Legislation Circulated

As I mentioned in last week's E-Update, the Assembly Select Committee on Common Core Standards, of which I am a member, recently voted to approve a list of recommendations to the Legislature.  On the basis of those recommendations, Republican members of the committee have begun circulating legislation to address a number of the concerns brought to the committee's attention.  One concern is the process by which the Department of Public Instruction (DPI) adopted the Common Core Standards.  A second concern is the question of who should have access student information.  A third concern is the possibility of schools one day using devices to collect students' biometric data, although no districts currently do so.


As the Legislature begins to act on the Common Core committee's recommendations, DPI has also begun to take certain actions with regard to Common Core.  Late last Friday, DPI announced that it would hold three public hearings on the standards, as it required under the 2013-2015 budget act.  However, it scheduled the hearings for Thursday, December 19, only six days later, and it scheduled all three hearings simultaneously, 3:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.  Although these hearings satisfy the letter of the law, I am not sure they are consistent with the Legislature's intent, which was to make sure that Wisconsin residents had the opportunity to share their opinions about Common Core with DPI. 


Interested citizens who were unable to schedule trips to Ashland, La Crosse, or Milwaukee right before the holidays with less than a week's notice may share their written comments with DPI by January 3 via or snail mail (Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction, PO Box 7841, Madison, WI  53707-7841).

Free Fishing Weekend

The Department of Natural Resources has announced the winter 2014 free fishing weekend, January 18-19.  Residents and nonresidents alike will be able to fish Wisconsin's waters without a license or trout stamp.  As part of the weekend, the Chippewa Valley Family YMCA is sponsoring an event at Glen Loch Flowage north of Chippewa Falls on Saturday, January 18, from noon to 4:00 p.m. (additional details are in the above link).

Holiday Office Closings

My Capitol office will be closed for the holidays next Tuesday and Wednesday, December 24 and 25, as well as the following Tuesday and Wednesday, December 31 and January 1.


As 2013 draws to a close, I want to wish all of you and your families a very Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year!


As always, if you have any comments or thoughts regarding the subject of this
E-Update, please feel free to contact me.

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