18 October 2013

Assembly Session and Special Session

The Assembly was in session Tuesday and Thursday of this week to discuss a variety of bills. Additionally, Governor Walker called a special session of the Legislature to discuss property tax relief to Wisconsin residents through a $100 million increase in state school aid. Property taxes have been on an upward trend for the past decade, and this proposal, while moderate, will help stop the increase and rein in Wisconsin’s property tax. Census data from this year shows that Wisconsin has the tenth highest property tax rate in the nation. The Senate passed Special Session Senate Bill 1 on a bipartisan 28-5 vote, and the Assembly concurred it in on a bipartisan 81-12 vote, so the tax cut will go to Governor Walker for his approval.


Also discussed Thursday in regular session was the concurrence of Senate Bill (SB) 190, which would eliminate the prohibition on the state’s Department of Natural Resources requiring more than one wastewater discharge permit for a publicly owned sewage treatment or collection system so that polluters could work together to mitigate the impact of pollution discharge. In a beautiful rural district like ours, this bill can help to make a big difference in cleaning up our watersheds. I was happy to put my support behind this bill, and I appreciate all that wrote in about SB 190. The bill passed 91-0.


As issues of conservation continue to arise in the 67th Assembly District, I appreciate hearing your feedback. I am still reviewing recent legislation, and I find it very helpful to know what you all are thinking.

Common Core Hearing in Eau Claire

As a reminder, the Assembly and Senate’s select committees on Common Core will be holding a public hearing in Eau Claire this Wednesday, October 23. The hearing will take place from 2:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m. at Chippewa Valley Technical College. So far, turnout at these hearings has been quite impressive.


Last week, I was honored to be appointed by Assembly Speaker Robin Vos to the Common Core committee to replace Rep. Jeff Stone, who recently resigned from the Legislature. Even before my appointment, I have been hearing from constituents and educators about these standards, and I appreciate the feedback I have received.


If you are unable to attend the upcoming meeting in Eau Claire, you may email written testimony to the committee’s chair, Rep. Jeremy Thiesfeldt at Rep.Thiesfeldt@legis.wi.gov or on his website. You can view previous testimony on his website as well.


As always, if you have any comments or thoughts regarding the subject of this
E-Update, please feel free to contact me.

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State Capitol Room 18 West- PO Box 8952, Madison, WI 53708
(608) 266-1194
Email: Rep.Larson@legis.wi.gov