18 January 2013

Governor Walker’s State of the State

Tuesday night, Governor Walker gave his State of the State Address. I applaud the Governor’s emphasis on private sector job growth and helping put Wisconsin families back to work. We have made some great accomplishments this past biennium, but we still have a ways to go. Focusing on education reform at the K-12, technical college, and UW System levels will benefit Wisconsin employees and employers alike. For a transcript of the State of the State Address, click here.

Open House at Chippewa Falls Veterans’ Home

On Thursday, I attended the dedication of the new Veterans’ Home in Chippewa Falls along with Governor Walker and fellow legislators. The building has been informally named in honor of former State Sen. Dave Zien. Known for pushing veteran issues during his time in the Senate, Senator Zien was instrumental in making this beautiful building a reality. For their sacrifices to our nation, our heroes deserve the best care our state can provide. The 79-bed facility already has 199 qualified applicants, so I commend the VA and the state of Wisconsin for fulfilling this need in our part of the state.

Mining Bill Introduced

On Wednesday, Sen. Tom Tiffany and Rep. Scott Suder released a draft of the comprehensive iron mining permit reform legislation. The mining bill is still in its early stages, and it will be vetted through committee followed by debate on the floor. While job growth is a top priority, I am not willing to sacrifice our air and water. After the State of the State, I spoke about some potential concerns with the mining bill. To listen to the clip, click here. For a link to the mining bill draft, click here. The Legislative Council, which advises the Legislature on legal matters, has also prepared a memo describing the bill, available here.

Reminder: Office Closed Monday

As a reminder, this coming Monday, January 21, is a state and federal holiday (Martin Luther King, Jr. Day). Our office will be closed, but you may still leave a voicemail or send an email, and we will be back in the office on Tuesday.


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State Capitol Room 18 West- PO Box 8952, Madison, WI 53708
(608) 266-1194
Email: Rep.Larson@legis.wi.gov