July 16, 2015

Budget Signed into Law

Following the Legislature's actions on the 2015-2017 state budget last week, Governor Walker signed it into law as 2015 Act 55 on Sunday, July 12.  The Governor used his line-item veto power to remove or alter a number of provisions, which appear in red in the linked copy of Act 55.  He explained his veto decisions in his veto message and noted that his vetoes generated an additional $44,495,400 in general purpose revenue savings.

Bucks Arena

The Senate met on Wednesday, July 15, to vote on Senate Bill 209, a proposal to finance the construction of a new arena for the Milwaukee Bucks.  The nonpartisan Legislative Fiscal Bureau has put together two memos describing the original bill and an amendment the Senate adopted on Wednesday.


The Senate passed SB 209, as amended, on a 21-10 vote.  The yeas and nays each included members of both parties.  The Assembly is likely to meet in the near future to vote on concurrence, but a specific date has not yet been announced.

Sand Creek 150th

Sand Creek, in northeastern Dunn County, is celebrating its sesquicentennial this weekend, beginning today.  A number of events are planned, including a parade and fireworks on Saturday, July 18.


Congratulations on 150 years!

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(608) 266-1194
Email: Rep.Larson@legis.wi.gov