22 April 2011

Rep. Larson’s Website Up and Running

My official website is up and running. Located on my website is useful information like services my office can provide, news, helpful links, and much more. I plan to update it regularly so that you can use it as a resource for the latest happenings in Madison. It is available day or night for you to find my latest press releases, eUpdates, and ways my office can be of assistance to you.

You can find my website at legis.wisconsin.gov/assembly/larson. I hope you find my website valuable and informative. Please let me know if you have suggestions on how I can improve it, or if there is additional information you would like to see posted.

Upcoming Deer Hunting Legislation

Legislation in response to what deer hunters have been saying for years is finally in the works. While the DNR occasionally may suspend some of the unpopular programs like Earn-a-Buck and October T-Zones, it is time to preserve the integrity of Wisconsin’s deer hunting season.

Many DNR deer hunting programs have been wildly unpopular and ineffective, yet the DNR has been slow to respond. In fact, the DNR’s own numbers indicate that deer hunting populations have continued to grow. Conversely, restrictive regulation has turned many hunters away from the sport.

That is why I am proud to cosponsor legislation authored by Senator Terry Moulton and Representative Tom Tiffany aimed at ensuring the long-term economic and social future of Wisconsin’s deer hunting heritage. As studies have revealed, the social acceptance of deer management policy is critical to the success of any management plan. Without a buy-in from hunters and landowners it is doomed to fail. Deer hunting in Wisconsin creates more than $1 billion of economic activity annually, and supports 16,000 jobs. I look forward to this legislation moving forward in the coming weeks.

Unclaimed Property - Office of the State Treasurer

The Office of the State Treasurer recently announced that the 2010 Unclaimed Property lists are currently being printed in newspapers around the state. The lists will appear in the newspaper with the highest circulation within each of Wisconsin's 72 counties.

According to State Treasurer Kurt Schuller, his office received 330,478 unclaimed properties (cash, stock, and safe deposit boxes) worth more than $38 million in 2010. The lists that he publishes in newspapers statewide serve as a reminder to folks about properties which they may have forgotten. His office has reported returning more than $461,000 in unclaimed properties.

In the event you are not able to access the list published in the newspaper, you can visit the Office of the State Treasurer's website at www.statetreasury.wisconsin.gov 24 hours per day, seven days per week to see if you have any unclaimed property waiting for you.


As always, if you have any comments or thoughts regarding the subject of this
E-Update, please feel free to contact me.

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State Capitol Room 18 West- PO Box 8952, Madison, WI 53708
(608) 266-1194
Email: Rep.Larson@legis.wi.gov