February 12, 2016

Larson Bill Signed into Law

Last Thursday, February 4, Governor Walker signed into law Assembly Bill 98, which requires the Department of Transportation to include the Wisconsin Veterans Tribute and Citizen Soldier Monument on the list of the veteran sites included on state highway maps.  The Tribute is located in Cadott, at the intersection of State Highways 27 and 29.  I introduced AB 98, now Act 130, with Sen. Terry Moulton and Rep. Kathy Bernier.



Representative Larson and Senator Moulton were joined by Paul Michels, Chippewa County Board chair; Charlie Walker, Chippewa County Economic Development Corporation president; and former Sen. Dave Zien, who pushed for AB 98.

Legislative Activity

The 2015-2016 legislative session has entered the home stretch, with the Assembly voting on many bills this week and next week.  The calendar for Tuesday, February 9, alone included 71 bills and resolutions.  Some of the more noteworthy bills passed include Assembly Bill 460, a bipartisan proposal to increase the compensation for former prisoners who are able to prove they were wrongfully convicted and to help their reintegration into society.  Assembly Bill 497 places restrictions on the placement of  sexually violent persons when they are under supervised release following commitment, in cases where such release is approved.  The Assembly also passed, with my support, a package of bills designed to strike a better balance between property owners' rights and environmental protection:  Assembly Bill 582, Assembly Bill 600, and Assembly Bill 603


The Assembly was also in session on Thursday, February 11.  Among the bills it passed or concurred in that day was Senate Bill 238, which will require abortion providers that bill Medical Assistance for reimbursement of certain prescription drugs to bill the actual cost of the drug and the dispensing fee.  Under the 340B program, certain healthcare providers are eligible to obtain prescription drugs at a big discount, but some entities then turn around and seek MA reimbursement for the pre-discount price. Planned Parenthood should not be allowed to overcharge Wisconsin taxpayers, and that is why I voted for SB 238.


The Assembly will meet against next week on Tuesday and likely Wednesday and Thursday, too.  As always, you can watch the floor debates on WisconsinEye or follow them on WisPolitics' Quorum Call blog.


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State Capitol Room 214 North - PO Box 8952, Madison, WI 53708
(608) 266-1194
Email: Rep.Larson@legis.wi.gov