January 9, 2015

Inauguration Day

The 2015-2016 legislative session officially began on Monday, January 5, when members of the Assembly and Senate were sworn in.  I was honored to have as my guests Pastor Eldon Carlson of Bloomer Baptist Church and his wife, Sue.


Earlier in the day, Governor Scott Walker, Lieutenant Governor Rebecca Kleefisch, new Attorney General Brad Schimel, and new State Treasurer Matt Adamczyk took their oaths of office in a ceremony in the Capitol Rotunda.  (Secretary of State Doug La Follette was unable to attend but took the oath separately.)  You may watch Governor Walker's segment of the ceremony, including his inaugural address, here, or you may watch the entire ceremony (in addition to the Assembly and Senate ceremonies) on WisconsinEye, which offers extensive coverage of state government.

Back to Work

The Assembly returned to the floor on Wednesday, January 7, to consider a proposal, Assembly Resolution 3, that set out ground rules for debate, including requiring the majority leader and the minority leader "to adopt reasonable recommendations for time limits and schedules for floor debate" on scheduled legislation.  AR 3 passed 62-36.


The Assembly judiciary committee, of which I am a member, held a hearing on Thursday, January 8, on a number of bills.  These included Assembly Bill 8, a bipartisan proposal I cosponsored that would make it a Class I felony to use cameras or other devices to view someone's body under their clothes without their consent (a practice called "upskirting").  In addition, the committee heard testimony on Assembly Joint Resolution 1, a constitutional amendment to change the selection process for chief justice of the Wisconsin Supreme Court.  Currently, the chief justice is simply the most-senior member of the Supreme Court.  Under AJR 1, justices of the Supreme Court would elect a chief justice from among themselves to serve a two-year term.  The 2013 Legislature had already passed an identical proposal, and should the 2015 Legislature pass AJR 1, the proposed amendment will go to Wisconsin voters in a statewide referendum.  You may watch the hearing on WisconsinEye.


I also had the opportunity on Thursday to meet one-on-one with Attorney General Brad Schimel.  I enjoyed meeting the Attorney General, and I am particularly interested in his plans to build on steps taken in recent years to combat heroin and other drug abuse in Wisconsin.

Free Fishing Weekend, January 17-18

The Winter 2015 edition of Wisconsin's Free Fishing Weekend will be next weekend, January 17-18.  Residents and nonresidents alike will be able to fish without a license or trout stamp.  Follow the link to the Department of Natural Resources' website for additional information.

During the Assembly inauguration ceremony, each member signs his or her name

in a ledger has been used in every ceremony since 1877

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State Capitol Room 214 North - PO Box 8952, Madison, WI 53708
(608) 266-1194
Email: Rep.Larson@legis.wi.gov