From: Phil Neuenfeldt []
Sent: Thursday, April 22, 2010 3:55 PM
Subject: Senate Bill 2

Attachments: image001.jpg




To:                  Members of the Assembly

From:              Phil Neuenfeldt, Secretary-Treasurer

Date:               April 22, 2010


Re:                   Senate Bill 2 Wage Protection Act


Current wage lien law is an injustice to workers who deserve the right to receive what they have earned and are owed by their employers.  Senate Bill 2, as passed by the Senate, will give workers who are devastated by an employer bankruptcy a chance to collect more (not even all) of what they are owed for their labor, before the banks claim the remaining company assets.  We are asking for your support of SB 2 as passed by the Senate to support workers who gave their labor in good faith to their employer.



