January 27,
Testimony for Senate Hearing on SB
This morning I testified before the
State Senate Committee on Clean Energy regarding the Governor’s global warming
bill (SB 450). Below is a copy of my
Good Morning Chairmen Miller and Plale and committee
members. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to testify at today’s
hearing on the Clean Energy Jobs Act.
In the political world it’s common to hide the true
intent of legislation by calling a bill something that it really isn’t. I
would submit that SB 450, and its companion AB 649, is one such
In 2007 Governor Doyle formed his Global Warming Task
Force. It was not called the Clean Energy Jobs Task Force. In his
mission statement he told the Task Force to come up with strategies to make
The Governor’s concern over the warming was so great
that he also told the Task Force to not bother doing a cost/benefit analysis and
to accept what the Task Force Report calls the “substantial scientific
consensus” that “climate change is occurring” and human use of fossil fuels is
“major contributor to such change.”
So how do you get the Clean Energy Jobs Bill out of the
Global Warming Task Force Report? Why didn’t the authors of this bill call
it the global warming bill and why didn’t the Governor mention the terms “global
warming” or “climate change” even once in his State of the State address last
night when talking about this bill?
Could it be the flawed science that’s been reported
lately, like the recent scandal involving the leaked e-mails from the Climate
Research Unit in
If the man-made global warming proponents are so sure of
themselves, then why do they feel a need to manipulate data to help make their
point? Doesn’t this raise a red flag? Maybe
The recent weather patterns alone should bring pause to
anyone who thinks
And reports of unusually cold-not warm-weather have been
coming in from around the world. Earlier this month the citrus crop was
damaged in
the thickest and most extensive in the last 40
years. Ladies and gentlemen, if this is an overheating planet, I wouldn’t
want to experience a cooling one!
In fact, global temperatures have not risen in more than
a decade and more recently they have shown a downward
So a reasonable question is: How much colder would
you like it to be? Remember, that’s the purpose of fighting global
warming-to make it colder.
But if the Governor and the authors of this bill want to
talk about jobs-then let’s do that. Yes, there may be some “green” jobs
created, but many of these will be in the public sector, as in Department of
Natural Resource positions to enforce the mandates of this bill. Last
year, for the first time, government jobs now exceed manufacturing jobs in
In reality, I believe the net loss of jobs in the
private sector will be severe. That’s what happens when you mandate
dramatically higher energy prices for consumers and manufacturers, and that’s
exactly what this bill will produce. This bill will make it much more
expensive to manufacture products in
The public should also be aware of the intrusive
regulations that this bill will mandate, on virtually every facet of our
lives. How will mandating
And what’s the real purpose of this bill? To try
to make it colder. And even that attempt will fail, since even if our
state could reduce our output of greenhouse gases to zero, there would be no
measurable effect on background levels of these gases, and therefore no effect
on the climate.
If you want to produce more jobs,
repeal the nuclear power moratorium, make our state’s tax structure more
business friendly, and develop a sensible energy policy that will carry us into
the future.
This bill fails to do that by a long shot, and I urge
committee members to vote against it.
Thank you.
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