66th Assembly District Update -  June 19, 2012;  Vol. 39, Edition 81

Economic Development Audit Calls for Improvements

Last week, the Legislative Audit Bureau released a comprehensive audit report of state economic development programs. At some point during the 2007-09 and 2009-11 biennia, eight state agencies administered 196 economic development programs in our state, in order to encourage economic growth in different areas.  2007 Wisconsin Act 125, a law passed to address concerns raised in a 2006 audit of economic development programs, set specific requirements for state agencies to report on October 1 of each year on quantifiable outcomes of each program. The Audit Bureau found that in October 2010, information was only available for slightly more than two thirds of programs administered that year, and that quantified outcomes were reported for less than half of the programs. My colleagues and I on the Joint Audit Committee intend to look further into these reporting lapses at a public hearing later in the year. 



Governor's Brat Summit a Success

Last week, I attended the much-publicized Beer and Brat Summit on the grounds of the Governor's Residence near Madison. Governor Walker invited legislators and staff the the picnic to encourage bipartisanship and reconciliation after the divisive events that have characterized this legislative session. The event was very enjoyable, and I had some wonderful discussions with colleagues of both parties. The event was definitely successful in bringing the two sides together in a relaxed environment.


Rep. Kerkman meets with Governor Walker at the Beer and Brat Summit


Welcome, Robb Evans, Kerkman Office Intern

I'd like to extend an official welcome to Robb Evans, the new intern in my Madison office. Robb is currently a student at UW-Madison studying economics and history. He is from Twin Lakes and hopes to pursue a law degree in the future. Robb is working this summer on a number of projects in my office and has been a great asset since he began his internship at the beginning of the month. Welcome, Robb!

Rep. Kerkman with intern, Robb Evans, and staff, Tami Rongstad and Alison Morrell


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