66th Assembly District Update -  October 23, 2009,  Vol. 24

Area Dentists Share Concerns about Dental Care

Last week, Representative Robin Vos and I met with area dentists as well as the president and president-elect of the Wisconsin Dental Association during the annual legislative dinner and forum hosted by the Racine and Kenosha Dental Societies.    The purpose of the forum was to answer questions and address concerns regarding dental care access in Wisconsin, particularly for the low income population, as well as training procedures for certified dental personnel to further expand access.

Currently, under BadgerCare Plus and Medicaid, there is minimal to no coverage for dental care as the reimbursement rates do not fully cover the cost of services and procedures.  Thus, Rep. Vos, a few of our colleagues, and I are supporting legislation that would enact a one-year pilot program to address the lack of coverage.  The program would provide coverage for basic dental care for low income patients.  Once we've reached the end of that year, we would evaluate the overall success and effectiveness of the program, its impact on the state budget, and whether or not we could continue maintaining the program for an extended duration of time. 

I think we can all agree on how important quality dental care is to an individual's health and well-being.  A pilot program would at least help those in need of dental care while allowing the state to experiment and determine the best way to provide coverage for it.  I welcome any feedback, ideas, and suggestions from area dentists and dental professionals on this issue.


Rep. Samantha Kerkman pictured with (left to right) Dr. James Fulmer, Dr. H. Michael Kaske (current President of the Wisconsin Dental Association), Dr. Gene Shoemaker (President-Elect of the Wisconsin Dental Association), Rep. Robin Vos, and Dr. Lyndsay Knoell.


Meeting with Area Webelo Scouts

In addition to the dentists, I also met with Webelo Scout packs #328 and #329 during a joint pack meeting last week.  I discussed with them the legislative process and the three branches of government in helping them fulfill requirements for a civic service badge. 

While explaining the legislative process, I used as an example a bill that I recently co-sponsored on behalf of grade school students which would make cheese the official state snack.  The bill is currently under consideration by the Senate Committee on Agriculture and Higher Education and awaiting a public hearing.  Once the public hearing has been held, the committee will then hold an Executive Session to vote on the bill.  If they vote in favor of passage, it will be messaged (referred) to the full state Senate for a floor vote.  Should the bill pass, it will be referred to the appropriate Assembly committee (most likely the Committee on Agriculture) where the process will be repeated until the Assembly passes the bill.  At that time, the bill will be referred to Governor Doyle for his consideration.  It is never too late for a brief lesson on the legislative process! 

I am always happy to meet with area Boy Scout and Girl Scout troops about how their government works in helping members earn their civic badges.  As a former Girl Scout myself, I can appreciate the value such a lesson can have on a child's future.  Please feel free to contact my office to set up a date and time for me to meet with your group.



Rep. Samantha Kerkman pictured with members of the Webelo Scout packs #328 and #329.


Wisconsin Blue Books still Available

Free copies of the State of Wisconsin Blue Books are still available through my office.  To those of you who have contacted me already to request a Blue Book, thank you for taking the time to do so and your order is being processed. 

The Blue Books contain the contact information for all of your state and federal legislators, a detailed history of Wisconsin government, the legislative process, and a special section about Wisconsin's rich history in the study of astronomy.  If you have received a blue book from me in the past, but no longer wish to receive one, please contact my office.  If you have or have not received one before, and would like a copy of the current edition, please contact my office.  Thank you!


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(608) 266-2530 - Fax (608) 282-3666 - Toll Free: (888) 534-0066 - Rep.Kerkman@legis.wisconsin.gov
On the Internet: http://www.legis.state.wi.us/assembly/asm66/news