61st Assembly District Update -  February 4, 2013;  Vol. 3, Edition 87

It's Almost Tax Time

April will be here before you know it, so it's time to begin thinking about filing 2012 taxes. The Department of Revenue (DOR) encourages filing your income tax return electronically between now and the April 15 deadline to get your refund fastest.  DOR offers free e-filing online that is secure and confidential. When your e-file, your refund can be deposited directly into your bank account within days. The Department expects about 80% of tax returns to be filed electronically this year. For more information about this option, visit the DOR website.

Around the District

Rep. Kerkman and legislative colleagues at the Kenosha Achievement Center

Legislative Breakfast at the Kenosha Achievement Center

I recently attended the annual Legislative Breakfast at the Kenosha Achievement Center. I enjoyed a lively discussion debating transportation and Medicaid with my colleagues from our area, State Senators Bob Wirch and John Lehman, and State Representative Peter Barca. The Kenosha Achievement Center provides a variety of services for people with disabilities in our area. For more information about the Kenosha Acheivement Center, see their website.

United Way

I recently met with Tracy Nielsen, the new CEO of United Way of Kenosha County. At our meeting, we discussed resources and services available in our area. United Way is a wonderful nonprofit that works to improve education, health, and financial stability in Kenosha County. For more information or to become a volunteer, check out their website.

Rep. Kerkman meets with Tracy Nielsen, CEO of United Way of Kenosha County

Encourage a Student to Create a Business Plan

Wisconsin Youth Entrepreneurs in Science (Wisconsin YES!) is a statewide youth business plan contest that encourages middle and high school students to turn in science- and tech-related business plans for the chance to win prizes for themselves and their schools. The contest begins with a 250-word summary and culminates with awards presented in June at the Wisconsin Entrepreneurs Conference. The deadline to enter is March 18, 2013.  Click here for more information about how to enter.

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